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HP Slate


Staff member
To stop the spotlight on Apple and the attention they have been getting with the iPad, it appears HP has "leaked" some videos of the new HP Slate due out later on this year. Take a look at the video and let us know your thoughts? Will this be an iPad Killer? It may have some nice features, but it's missing two important things.. iPhone OS and the App Store!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeDalRBjyJo&feature=player_embedded"]YouTube - NEW! HP's Slate Device: A Full Mobile Experience[/ame]
Just a few thoughts/questions in random order. These are not directed at you of course, but to anyone who wants to field them. :)

- The video creates intrigue. It makes me want to learn more about it.

- It has a camera.

- Looks sleek. Nice form factor. I think I've seen something that looks similar but can't remember what it was. (What's the emoticon for sarcasm?) But it does look nice.

- I saw no keyboard in this video, physical or virtual. How do I type?

- Is this thing just a media browser? Is it useful for anything other than video, photos, and music? Show me business use cases, web surfing, email, calendar, contacts.... You know, the things people want in a device like this.

- 4th time watching the vid I saw a Firefox icon.

- Not sure if I already mentioned it but it has a camera.

- Can it print to HP printers? (sarcasm again)

- Bluetooth?

- 3G/4G?

- Books/eReader?

- APPS???? Anything? (Other than Skype)

- Okay we get it. The thing has a camera.

Honestly I wish it was on the market, or close to it. I have been wanting a tablet device like the iPad for 10 years and now they're finally here and I WANT one. I am sick of laptops. I'm partial to the iPad, but I am trying to keep my options open. If it really comes out in late 2010 I probably won't wait that long and I'll go with the iPad 3G and I am already pretty certain I'm going to love it.

If anything the competition to iPad will be good in helping Apple stay motivated to keep innovating. :)


PS. Hey everybody the HP Slate will have a camera!!!!

here's a link to the slate's specs & pricing:

HP Slate pricing and specs leak: Atom CPU, 1080p video

If these are true... I think it sounds pretty good... (I am especially glad to see the pen/digitizer there)... I am glad that the ipad will spur a lot of competition & then tablet innovation will move quickly... & in the not-so-far future we will have much more to chose from... including pushing apple designs farther.
Thanks for the link dks. From what I've seen/heard so far I think the HP will be the closest competition to the iPad. I didn't know it was going to run Windows 7.

One strange thing I didn't quite get: The HP slate display (according to the Engadget link) is 1024x600. But under graphics it lists support for 1080p playback.

Huh? I don't get how that's possible. Does anyone know what that means?

It likely means that it will play videos formated at 1080p... but you aren't getting any value out of it on the Slates screen. The only exception I can see is the HDMI line out that can connect to a TV that can handle that it.

Heat? Does it burn the skin?
Funny it did not show it crashing, slow startups from hibernation, 5 minutes startups etc...10 hours of battery life and what does it weigh???
The video looks fine on it but the interface looks kinda choppy

I noticed that too, the few moments that look like actual ui elements were really choppy and barely 2fps....this will be another disappointing win7 net book with a touchscreen....glorious. I'll stick with my iPad!
Besides the fact that it isn't a Mac (speaking about the quality, the OS, etc.) - and ignoring the fact that there isn't any app store like the Mac has -- the introduction of these slates will be at a price similar to that of the iPad. That means for once you can get a Mac for relatively the same price as a PC. Why haven't big business bought Mac's over the past years? One reason - price. If you remove that price differential the iPad will slaughter the competition.

In other words - everyone wants a Mac - but many people don't think they can afford one.
Besides the fact that it isn't a Mac (speaking about the quality, the OS, etc.) - and ignoring the fact that there isn't any app store like the Mac has -- the introduction of these slates will be at a price similar to that of the iPad. That means for once you can get a Mac for relatively the same price as a PC. Why haven't big business bought Mac's over the past years? One reason - price. If you remove that price differential the iPad will slaughter the competition.

In other words - everyone wants a Mac - but many people don't think they can afford one.

But the iPad is more affordable and he will lead the market as the iPhone lead the mobile phone field
Maybe - we'll have to see the line-up of models / prices / features to see how they stand side by side.

What I do know is that if I wanted to buy my kid a laptop this past Christmas - I could buy a PC for $400 and an entry level MacBook for $1000.
It is cheaper and supposedly faster than the iPad. Seeing how it runs Windows 7 Home Premium it doesn't need an App store. It also supports Flash. Big question is will the WiFi work 100% out of the box or will you have to get an Apple Airport to have connectivity.

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