[FONT="]BGR reports today that a page that has just appeared on T-Mobile USA’s website is getting rather carried away comparing its new Honeycomb tablet, the LG G-Slate, to Apple’s iPad. On the website, T-Mobile says that the G-Slate is more than two times faster than the iPad 2, and three times faster than the Motorola XOOM. T-Mobile also makes a point of mentioning how much cheaper the Slate is that the other tablets, coming in at $399.99 with a two-year data package, or $599.99 without. An equivalent iPad costs $729, and XOOM $599/$799. Boy Genius Report got in touch with T-Mobile about its claims that the Slate is so much faster than the iPad and XOOM, asking specifically how the company came up with those speeds. [/FONT]
[FONT="]“An independent third party conducted testing to compare T-Mobile’s G-Slate, AT&T’s iPad 2 and Verizon Wireless’ Motorola XOOM,†a spokesperson told BGR, before going on to explain that the testing took place in New York and Seattle, in 30 locations. The total sample size was 300 tests. Surely this is really more a test of network speed though, rather than of the quality of the tablet, as the G-Slate has the advantage over the other two of running on T-Mobile’s 4G HSPA+ service. [/FONT]
[FONT="]Source: T-Mobile says G-Slate is 200% faster than iPad 2, 300% faster than XOOM[/FONT]