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How to have peace at home


iPF Noob
May 12, 2010
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
The wife uses her Sony reader when she travels.

How to have the same books on the iPad for home use and the Sony reader for travel without the double expense?

I tried to load an epub book that was downloaded from the Sony site to the iPad, but of course the iPad won't read it. I'm sure that is due to DRM.

Got to figure something out to win her over to the iPad.

Or remove DRM, which is what I do. Sony uses Adobe Digital DRM.... Do some research, and if you're pretty computer savvy, it's not that hard to set up.....

Also, if she bought books from Kobo she could read them in the Sony and the Kobo app on the iPad.... Plus they are cheaper than the Sony store.... And would NOT have to remove the DRM....
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Do a search for "txtr" in the app store. It is an iPhone app, and not all that great, but it will read ePubs with the Adobe Digital Editions DRM, which is what the Sony has. I don't use it (again, I remove DRM) but they say it is a PITA to get the books onto your iPhone/iPad.....

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