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How much storage would one episode take on iPad 2?


iPF Noob
Mar 18, 2012
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I'm not sure where this would go, so I'll just ask it here. Is there some way for me to see how much a single episode of a show would take up without first buying it? I can't seem to find it. Also, is HD really going to be worth it if I have a 16gb iPad 2? Just wondering before I spend the extra 10$ a season.
A normal one hour tv show with commercials removed can take up about 525mb,a full one hour show,such as on PBS,can take up about 625mb.High definition shows can take up to double or triple this amount of memory.BTW,you can have all the episodes you want in your iTunes account and only download them to your iPad when you want to watch them.
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It depends on the format it is in. A 23 minute show formatted for AppleTV is going to be larger than one that is iPad formated. I can download OTA shows on my EyeTV. In native format, a SD level hour long show can be 1.3 Gb. An HD show can be 7+ Gb. Converting to H.264 can take off 20% of the storage demands. Going to Apple TV will make it even smaller, and so forth.
Let's see...

Roughly 22 minutes, if iTunes is Tom be believed. Would it make any difference that it is a cartoon?
I currently have several episodes of Witchblade on my iPad 3. I converted these from DVD to mkv using Handbrake on my PC. These episodes are 44:xx minutes long and are 720 x 480 (SD). They each take ~1.62 GB.
A typical h264 encoded 1 hour tv programme minus commercials is about 280meg and they play fine in Aceplayer alternatively the same programme in avi format will be about 350meg also playable on Aceplayer.
The shows I get are 350 in 720p HDTV, but when u but from apple, they're like 700-1.2gb. I don't know why. I hate theyre that huge. So no you wouldn't have space for a season of 1hr (42 min) shows if you're buying from apple.
Air video server keeps integrity but makes manager smaller. It turn 1.5 gb blu rays into clear 450mb videos. I'm not sure if the H264 or mp4.
Okay, so a 22 minute cartoon would be between 350 and 600 mb in HD.

What about SD?
I'm not sure where this would go, so I'll just ask it here. Is there some way for me to see how much a single episode of a show would take up without first buying it? I can't seem to find it. Also, is HD really going to be worth it if I have a 16gb iPad 2? Just wondering before I spend the extra 10$ a season.

I'm a little confused by your question. As long as you have enough space to store a single episode you're good. Just download them as needed and delete them after you're done. You can always get them again from the store, right? Buying an episode doesn't have to mean that it has to live on your device forever.

Personally, on a 10-inch screen, I don't see much point in going beyond 720p. You need to be 1ft away to take advantage of 1080p.

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