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how can i do this with an ipad?


iPF Noob
May 11, 2010
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ok, someone sends me a contract via email attatchment, pdf format,

I then open it up, show it to my client, what i want to do is then hand them a stylus and say sign here, not e-sign digital signatures etc. but actually have them just sign the contract right on the ipad.

I then save it and email it. can i do this with the ipad easily?
You'll need to use Mr. Google. There's a company called EchoSign which says they have an iPad solution. There's a few others that are working on it.

Personally I think it might take a bit of time (several to 6 months) for this to gel. There's something, however, you need to think about. A good digital ink signature solution must have a means to lock a document as signed and nullify / void the signature if changes are made to the document. The signature must also be electronically sealed and attached to the document. Without these safeguards you digital signature may be worthless in a courtroom.

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