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Here's why iPad internet surfing suck - Another Opinion


iPF Novice
May 4, 2010
Reaction score
Warwick, RI
I noticed the thread was closed.

Was it closed because Lexx911 was getting flamed or because he had an opinion that was a bit negative?

My opinion is this is a forum: "An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site".

I personally think the IPad is pretty darn good but I also think Lexx911 is entitled to his opinion. I also think this is a great forum!

Let's keep this forum open to discussion without bashing dissenting viewpoints and adding mean spirited comments. OK?

Lexx911: I also pretty much agree with what you said.
I agree that everyone is entitled to their opinion without being bashed or attacked. We don't all have to agree with what others say or feel about any subject, but we should be respectful. Treat others as you would want to be treated.

Just remember, a discussion does not mean coming on here and attacking Apple, or its users, just to start an argument. This is not the place for those who buy an ipad just so they can video theirselves taking a baseball bat to it. It is for healthy discussion of how to make an investment in technology work better.

Can you imagine someone getting married, and then going on-line with comments like: "A great gal, but I wish she was blonde", or "She needs to lose a few pounds", or "I want to get her a boob job, and rework the nose".

Or how about, "You guys are idiots to get an American wife, I got this great Russian/Asian model that cost me less and does everything better".

While a bit of a stretch, it goes to show that if we decide to buy an iPad with our money, we should concentrate on what it does, how it does it, and how we can improve our knowledge base to make things work smoother. Next year's model is going to be better, but not as good as the following year. That is the nature of technology. It is hard to decide when to dive into a device since you know it will be obsolete before it is paid for.
I should also say that the attacks on Lex911 were over the top. I agree that he was attacking without doing his homework, but running him off does no good. It would have been better to take the high ground and point out the fallacies of his statements. Sometimes I think we need to have in big letters on the home page:
The iPad is not designed as a primary computer!
Flash is not supported for a reason, live with it!
I agree that internet surfing on the iPad is MUCH worse than any other device in my house. Safari or the iPad or something doesn't render pages quickly. So where on my desktop, sharing the same connection, or my wife's laptop, sharing the same connection a thread with 100 replies (I have my Corvette Forum set to 100 replies per page but you can't do that here) takes 30+ seconds just to load. It does the same thing on my phone, so in the iPad's defense this is typical for a mobile device.

In addition I get severe keyboard lag whenever there are animated 1KB smiley faces on the page which causes me to take twice as long to type something as it usually would. Also very annoying.
I also find it entertaining when people do zero research on something before they buy it, and instead of returning it, they come online to bitch about all the things they hate about the the product they knew nothing about. Some people just belong on the short bus, that's life.
I also find it entertaining when people do zero research on something before they buy it, and instead of returning it, they come online to bitch about all the things they hate about the the product they knew nothing about. Some people just belong on the short bus, that's life.
Hey, I knew what I was getting in to. It's not a deal breaker for the iPad, I was just mentioning that it is less satisfying on the iPad than on a real computer. BUt nothing worth returning it for.
I didnt close it, while I completely disagreed with his statement and thought he was out of line coming on this forum with vitriol I respect that other people are entitled to their own opinions..I wouldn't close a thread or delete one unless it was offense to other members or spam.
I also find it entertaining when people do zero research on something before they buy it, and instead of returning it, they come online to bitch about all the things they hate about the the product they knew nothing about. Some people just belong on the short bus, that's life.
Hey, I knew what I was getting in to. It's not a deal breaker for the iPad, I was just mentioning that it is less satisfying on the iPad than on a real computer. BUt nothing worth returning it for.

Sorry, that wasn't directed at you, I was talking about that Lex911 guy :D .

Of course no device is going to please absolutely every single customer....but if there's something that's clearly a deal breaker, like not have Flash, then people should return the device or not buy one in the first place :) .
I should also say that the attacks on Lex911 were over the top. I agree that he was attacking without doing his homework, but running him off does no good. It would have been better to take the high ground and point out the fallacies of his statements.

Since I was one of the respondents to his OP, I'll address this from my view: I didn't attack the guy, I countered his points (such as they were) individually. This is a discussion forum, but discussion means it's a Read/Write medium, not Write-Only. Expect responses and be prepared to defend your opinion intelligently. All Lex could do is sputter and run.

I'll throw this tip out there for free: grousing about Apple not supporting Flash is an indefensible position. Apple has been clear about the fact they aren't supporting it and why, the media has pounded on this point repeatedly - to buy an iPad and complain that Flash isn't supported is like going to Red Lobster and complaining about all the shellfish on the menu. It's just plain stupid. And I'll concede I've got a low tolerance for stupid.

The iPad has its foibles and its limits - the more I use it, the more I run across. I'm more interested in hearing how people are getting around them, pushing them, or exceeding them than griping about them, and that's a strength of this forum, which is why I hang out here. Giving 7 reasons it sucks, which is really only two reasons (no Flash and Safari) of which 1 is easily fixable (get. another. browser!) and the other fundamentally insurmountable (get. another. COMPUTER!) doesn't strike me as much of a contribution.
I should also say that the attacks on Lex911 were over the top. I agree that he was attacking without doing his homework, but running him off does no good. It would have been better to take the high ground and point out the fallacies of his statements.

Since I was one of the respondents to his OP, I'll address this from my view: I didn't attack the guy, I countered his points (such as they were) individually. This is a discussion forum, but discussion means it's a Read/Write medium, not Write-Only. Expect responses and be prepared to defend your opinion intelligently. All Lex could do is sputter and run.

I'll throw this tip out there for free: grousing about Apple not supporting Flash is an indefensible position. Apple has been clear about the fact they aren't supporting it and why, the media has pounded on this point repeatedly - to buy an iPad and complain that Flash isn't supported is like going to Red Lobster and complaining about all the shellfish on the menu. It's just plain stupid. And I'll concede I've got a low tolerance for stupid.

The iPad has its foibles and its limits - the more I use it, the more I run across. I'm more interested in hearing how people are getting around them, pushing them, or exceeding them than griping about them, and that's a strength of this forum, which is why I hang out here. Giving 7 reasons it sucks, which is really only two reasons (no Flash and Safari) of which 1 is easily fixable (get. another. browser!) and the other fundamentally insurmountable (get. another. COMPUTER!) doesn't strike me as much of a contribution.

Plus Juan......see, some people DO belong on the short bus. :D
I should also say that the attacks on Lex911 were over the top. I agree that he was attacking without doing his homework, but running him off does no good. It would have been better to take the high ground and point out the fallacies of his statements.

Since I was one of the respondents to his OP, I'll address this from my view: I didn't attack the guy, I countered his points (such as they were) individually. This is a discussion forum, but discussion means it's a Read/Write medium, not Write-Only. Expect responses and be prepared to defend your opinion intelligently. All Lex could do is sputter and run.

I'll throw this tip out there for free: grousing about Apple not supporting Flash is an indefensible position. Apple has been clear about the fact they aren't supporting it and why, the media has pounded on this point repeatedly - to buy an iPad and complain that Flash isn't supported is like going to Red Lobster and complaining about all the shellfish on the menu. It's just plain stupid. And I'll concede I've got a low tolerance for stupid.

The iPad has its foibles and its limits - the more I use it, the more I run across. I'm more interested in hearing how people are getting around them, pushing them, or exceeding them than griping about them, and that's a strength of this forum, which is why I hang out here. Giving 7 reasons it sucks, which is really only two reasons (no Flash and Safari) of which 1 is easily fixable (get. another. browser!) and the other fundamentally insurmountable (get. another. COMPUTER!) doesn't strike me as much of a contribution.

Well most flash videos are covered....as for flash content sites...when I encounter one I log in to my mac pro at home and use Chrome....problem solved...quit yer bitchin...lol
Any real company that has a website will convert their flash content sites to HTML5. That will be the case unless they're completely brain dead and don't want people to see it on most mobile devices and the iPad.
Any real company that has a website will convert their flash content sites to HTML5. That will be the case unless they're completely brain dead and don't want people to see it on most mobile devices and the iPad.

Basically. I see Flash support as a temporary issue. As the market of non-Flash devices increases, more websites will chase that market. iPhones and iPads are used by an affluent market segment, a demographic businesses are keenly interested in - they'll come around rather than miss out on reaching millions of potential customers. I've already contacted 2 companies I used to buy from and explained that I've had to drop them because their websites are unusable without Flash, pointing out how much I've spent with them in the past. I've also made it a point to contact companies writing useful apps - I wish every network had an app like ABCs, and told them so.

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