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Hello from the middle of nowhere


iPF Noob
May 31, 2010
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Phil here, I am in the military and own a 64gb iPad 3G. Also have an iPod nano, green iPod, apple tv, hacked 2 tb time capsule, and a MacBook pro.

Yes I am a fanboy. Lol

Anyway, I do computer work for the army. Can't say exactly say what. If you have any q's feel free to ask.
Welcome Phil,when I was in the army there was no computers,we wrote on the cave walls.

Retired 30 man.
Welcome, and thank you for your service!

My son got out of the Army about 2 years ago. He was a computer guy as well.... He is a contractor now, making the big bucks.....
Things are a lot different than when I was in the service. I was upscale with a battery power cassette player about the size of a Tom Clancy hard back. It was after my three that I saw my first computer (Wang) and bought one of the first hand held calculators on the market.
Welcome, and thank you for your service!

My son got out of the Army about 2 years ago. He was a computer guy as well.... He is a contractor now, making the big bucks.....

The big bucks?! Those days are long gone!


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