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Hello from Northern California


iPF Novice
Hi everyone! I'm Gail. I ordered my iPad on April 28 and received it on May 7. It is the 3G, 64GB model.

I have the Apple case for it and the camera adapters. I also bought the Timbuk2 Freestyle Netbook / iPad Messenger to carry my iPad as well as the rest of my stuff. I'm not worried about it being like a purse because I'm a girl, lol. I usually carry it slung over my shoulder like a half-pack. I have the Potrero/Jellyfish color. It has lots of great pockets including a lined cellphone pocket. I highly recommend it and it comes in manly black for those who are so inclined.

I just took my first trip with the iPad where I left the laptop at home. It is so sweet not to be lugging all that weight, and the iPad did everything I needed it to.

I'm still reeling on this data plan news because being able to start and stop the plan at will, and having the option for "unlimited" for $30 was a large part of getting the 3G version. Of course I've still got the GPS and the option for 3G when I absolutely need it so it is not a total loss, but I won't be buying as much cellular data under the new plan as I would have under the old.

I've also been an iPhone owner since November 2007. I currently have the 16 GB 3Gs with no plans to upgrade to the new model. I am however, looking forward to OS4.
Hello back from Northern California!

I'm Phil and I also bought the iPad 3G 64GB, which was delivered on May 7th.

I had two problems with it right out of the box. First being that it would not connect to my home network. Others have had this problem as well, and I have heard that there is a firmware upgrade coming soon to fix this problem.

Also, my two LG Bluetooth headsets would not pair up with the iPad. After taking it to the local Apple Store, they were able to pair it with a very expensive Sennheiser headset. I ended up buying one of those, but now find out that the headset will only work with the music player, and not with Skype. Hopefully, there will be a software upgrade in the future that will fix this problem.

I bought the unlimited 3G plan from AT&T because I cannot connect via wi-fi at home. Fortunately, I am grandfathered into the $30/month unlimited use program, which is due to end on Monday.

Even though I have some unresolved issues with the product, I still like it very much.
Welcome Gail!

Glad you joined us! The change in data plan was a pretty low blow IMHO, but that's the way it is. I hardly ever have need for 3G, so I just got the WIFI one, and tether it to my JailBroken iPhone when I need to. It is not as elegant as having the 3G built in, but as I said I hardly ever use it anyway.....

Enjoy your stay here!
Hi Bremen and Addicted2it.

Bremen -- Yes, that's the way it is. I think a lot more will jailbreak since the new tethering plan is quite pricey for very little in return. I've never jailbroken and I'm seriously thinking about it now. I still love my iPad, just not the AT&T part of it.

Addicted2it -- sorry you are having probs. I've had no problems with my wifi, and bluetooth is the only thing I've yet to test. Yes, the headset should be able to work with Skype. That is a huge oversight.
Hi Bremen and Addicted2it.

Bremen -- Yes, that's the way it is. I think a lot more will jailbreak since the new tethering plan is quite pricey for very little in return. I've never jailbroken and I'm seriously thinking about it now. I still love my iPad, just not the AT&T part of it.

Addicted2it -- sorry you are having probs. I've had no problems with my wifi, and bluetooth is the only thing I've yet to test. Yes, the headset should be able to work with Skype. That is a huge oversight.

Hi, Gail & Bremen,

I think that many buyers feel like they have been stabbed in the back by both AT&T and Apple because of the change in the pricing for the so-called "unlimited" data plan.

I have heard that many cell phone providers are going to cap the usage because of bandwidth demands.

I make a lot of phone calls to the UK using Skype, and I just read a statement on their Website that, beginning in 2011, they are going to begin charging for Skype-to-Skype cellular phone calls.

Sadly, I think the party will soon be over when so many people will begin to demand more and more wireless bandwidth.

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Hi, Gail & Bremen,

I think that many buyers feel like they have been stabbed in the back by both AT&T and Apple because of the change in the pricing for the so-called "unlimited" data plan.

I have heard that many cell phone providers are going to cap the usage because of bandwidth demands.

I make a lot of phone calls to the UK using Skype, and I just read a statement on their Website that, beginning in 2011, they are going to begin charging for Skype-to-Skype cellular phone calls.

Sadly, I think the party will soon be over when so many people will begin to demand more and more wireless bandwidth.


I hear you Phil.

Last year in Europe, I did buy the smallest data plan (20 MB -- just to look at a map or pick up an email in an "emergency") and made a very few 99 cent/per/minute calls home on my phone where there was no WiFi, (like my hotel in Naples) but used Skype on my laptop for anything other calls, including to Air France to find my lost luggage. (the iPhone Skype app came out just after that).
Hi, Gail & Bremen,

I think that many buyers feel like they have been stabbed in the back by both AT&T and Apple because of the change in the pricing for the so-called "unlimited" data plan.

I have heard that many cell phone providers are going to cap the usage because of bandwidth demands.

I make a lot of phone calls to the UK using Skype, and I just read a statement on their Website that, beginning in 2011, they are going to begin charging for Skype-to-Skype cellular phone calls.

Sadly, I think the party will soon be over when so many people will begin to demand more and more wireless bandwidth.


I hear you Phil.

Last year in Europe, I did buy the smallest data plan (20 MB -- just to look at a map or pick up an email in an "emergency") and made a very few 99 cent/per/minute calls home on my phone where there was no WiFi, (like my hotel in Naples) but used Skype on my laptop for anything other calls, including to Air France to find my lost luggage. (the iPhone Skype app came out just after that).


More bad news, I'm afraid. Due to AT&Ts restructuring of their data plans, the $30/mo. unlimited use plan may be subject to a cap. While it is true that most people will use less than the possible 5 GB/mo., it looks like they will be charging a hefty penalty for additional use.

Informed sources seem to believe that, since AT&T will announce their capping of wireless bandwidth, then other wireless providers will follow. So even if you attempt to jailbreak your iPad, it will not matter which provider you use because they will all have a capped limit in place.

I use Skype on my home computer, and have AT&T's Digital Elite plan, but the idea of being able to talk with my girlfriend, who lives in the UK, from anywhere at anytime was the main reason I bought the iPad.

I mostly use my 3G for talking on Skype, and for occasional streaming of netcasts from TWit (This Week in Technology). In less than one week I have sent 88.3 MB and received 2.1 GB. However, and with the cap in place, at the rate I am using bandwidth I would reach my capped limit in less than 2 weeks time.

I use Skype on my home computer, and have AT&T's Digital Elite plan, but the idea of being able to talk with my girlfriend was the main reason I bought the iPad. In fact, she was originally supposed to get the one I ordered here in the USA, but at the time I received it, we were not positive that it would work with providers outside of the USA. However, I bought the same unit for her, but purchased it through Apple's European branch. She has a limited 3G plan with Orange, but using it in her city does not require that much bandwidth usage, since there are more wi-fi hotspots in her city than here where I live.



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