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Hello from the High Plains of the United States

Mar 14, 2010
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High Plains of the USA
Howdy. I use to be a "PC" guy, but now I'm quickly being converted over to "Apple." I have pre-ordered the IPAD 32G wi-fi unit (W68819237). I believe that the IPHONE / IPOD TOUCH is one of the greatest inventions of all time. So, who wouldn't want one with a 9.7 in screen? :D I can't wait to get my hand on it - it'll be a lot of fun.

I currently have a Blackberry Curve (it is very weak compared to the IPHONE). I would have an IPHONE, but AT&T's coverage is not very good where I live - no 3G coverage. I do own an IPOD TOUCH with wi-fi hook-up. I eventually plan on buying the 3G version and an IPHONE once I move closer to the Denver, Colorado area.

Nice to meet you all.
Welcome aboard from Texas!

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