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Hello from CT


iPF Noob
Apr 22, 2010
Reaction score
Well I will tell you, I never bought anything Apple before... Not even an IPOD.. I was always a Zune, Archos, windows mobile guy.. basically anything not mainstream... Boy was I wrong.. This is is great.. I am going to be 40 this year (I know old) and I just wanted something that works.. And this does.. All the apps, the speed, the screen.. The battery life.. Just perfect..
Welcome! 40 is old? Lol.......not so much... You will find young folks like yourself and older ones like me here. The iPad brings diverse people from all over the world together. This is a great site, i look forward to your contributions :)
Welcome to the site, hope to see you around!:)
Welcome to the forums!
I think you'll find many here who would consider you quite young, me included :)

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