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GSM, CDMA and Wi-Fi Only iPad 2s Compared in Teardown


iPadForums News Team

Engadget reports today on iFixit’s latest iPad 2 teardown. This time they’ve been taking a look at the stripped-down insides of the AT&T GSM, Verizon CDMA, and Wi-Fi-only iPad 2s, with a view to comparing them and finding out if there are any noticeable differences between the three. What they found, according to Engadget, were many minor differences, such as in case design, radio chipsets, and headphone jack units, as well as more obvious differences such as the black antenna housing on the 3G version and the GSM version’s microSIM slot. Engadget says that the teardown also revealed that Apple made similar choices in terms of components to those it made when assembling the iPhone 4, with the CDMA iPad 2 getting an extra antenna, and sporting a Qualcomm Gobi dual-mode radio which works with both CDMA and GSM, as well as an integrated GPS receiver, which is the same set up as the Verizon iPhone 4, according to Engadget. By the same token, the GSM iPad 2 has an Infineon chipset for GSM and a Broadcom chip for GPS, which is the same set up as that of the worldwide iPhone 4. It might be a bit baffling to some, but well worth a look if you want to find out what makes your iPad 2 tick, whichever version it is!

Source: iPad 2 sliced up again, this time in the name of radio science -- Engadget

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