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Google’s Cupcake Update Removed After Protests


iPadForums News Team
Jun 7, 2010
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Google cupcake update removed due to protests.JPG

9to5 Mac reports today on a rather unusual Google Maps iOS update, which included the addition of a “mini cupcakes” distance measurement for how many calories are burned when you walk a particular distance.

It certainly looks like a fun and cute way of letting people know just how many calories they’ll be burning when they walk, but it seems that not everyone saw the cute or fun side of the update, as Google decided to remove the offending cupcakes just 24 hours after they first appeared due to complaints from some quarters, such as Buzzfeed, which said that “for some, it feels, well, judgey.” Others complained about the fact that there was no way of turning the cupcakes off.

The end result was that Google removed the cupcakes, although it said that it was because it was only a test feature, and not even rolled out to all users.

Source: Google Maps gets – and then loses – cupcakes in short-lived iOS app update

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