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anyone need an invite?

Make sure you have a Gmail account and a Gmail email address

hey guys. well ive been having g+ for a while now, so if you want an invite just PM me your email and ill send it right out, and so far i love it. it has most if not all the features of facebook. check out this site to get some more info on how to make the transition to g+ and also talk and news about it too. Google+ News | Google Plus Reviews | Google+ Apps | Google+ Games

and people with G+ send me your email or name so i can add you, correction i mean circle you. circle is the new term now. its like saying facebook me.
TheeIpad said:
i don't know what you mean USER FRIENDLY... its friendly to me and others. Its very easy when it comes to posting photos, videos, video chats, notifications, privacy options, circles, sparks, hangouts, group listings.

i use twitter and facebook, but not much longer, i'm hooked on G+. The hold-back right now its in a testing stage and invites only, and its only been out a month.



My personal opinion that's all.....it's something new. I am pretty sure that I will get use to it.

Sent from my iPad 2 64G 3G using iPF
Just to say my invite came through Sabre, but it was from a Swedish friend, so I wonder if the invites are regional initially while it's still in beta?

Thanks regardless :)
Find me here... MODERATED...DO NOT POST G+ LINKS....

when you get there, let me know who you are so i can add you too my Apple, Android, and/or Cyber Circles.

Don't wanna add a Apple person to a Android Circle unless someone's profile states interest in. When you arrive i will give you a Groups site with listings of interest... Celebrities, Football, Apple, photography, and so on. Circle Me
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TheeIpad said:
i don't know what you mean USER FRIENDLY... its friendly to me and others. Its very easy when it comes to posting photos, videos, video chats, notifications, privacy options, circles, sparks, hangouts, group listings.

i use twitter and facebook, but not much longer, i'm hooked on G+. The hold-back right now its in a testing stage and invites only, and its only been out a month.



Just want to clarify...I think i's extremely difficult to work with on the iPad. It's much easier on the computer. But as far as user friendly is concerned I don't think it's at all user friendly on the iPad since it has extremely limited functionality in "mobile" mode and in desktop mode the keyboard doesn't even come up to type a status or comment on a link. Wonder how long it will take the googlers to make it easier for the iPad users.
i have an iPad and had a iPad 2 but sold it and purchased a MBA 13'. The iPad is great for gathering and reading/researching information, but it sucks when it comes to Producing Information, can it be done, yes, but its a pain in the butt.

If anyone wants an iPad, then get a MBA 11"


Circle Me In The Apple Group
The MBA 11 inch costs how much? A thousand bucks? If I really need the functionality that it gives I could probably find it a lot cheaper in another device. I've found the iPad seems to produce fairly decently, except for in the google products range.
I know, there's a saying in technology... you buy the most you can with the money you have.

If someone can save a little extra money and wait to purchase a MBA 11', that's what i would suggest. i still use my iPad for researching, checking emails, and reading news/articles/blogs. If your into gaming, its a great device, games are superb on the ipad.


Circle Me In The Apple Group
I think every device has its place!.. you will need an iPad.. AND a MBA. I still don't understand when people say iPad will be the next laptop...the capabilities are still very limited.. especially when it comes to Enterprise applications.
maybe a MOD should move all the talk about ipad being a laptop replacement to a new thread.

but i will also chime in. going to college i always took my netbook with me but when i got my ipad i left the netbook and took the ipad because i was able to look up research and do what needed to be done. but i still need to use the computers on campus if i need to do something like writing a paper.
i have an iPad and had a iPad 2 but sold it and purchased a MBA 13'. The iPad is great for gathering and reading/researching information, but it sucks when it comes to Producing Information, can it be done, yes, but its a pain in the butt.

Perhaps for some, but I am an overpaid "content producer" and I find the iPad perfect for some things. It really depends on the type of content you are producing. All I need is a way to create simple documents and the iPad works.

So does a Selectric or Remington for that matter.

A novelist can get by with his or her iPad or other tablet. Graphic designers and web wonks need more than the iPad can provide. I do like the idea that I can research, compile, edit, write, email, and deposit royalty checks from a simple device that is smaller than Architectural Digest Magazine. Being able to work from anywhere is a good thing.

(Good Thing, copyright 1956, Martha Stewart Living Magazine and Omni Media, all rights reserved)

As I think I mentioned in an earlier post, I lived with my iPad for some time in the clouds. Everything I produced for certain projects was created on the iPad. From outlines to drafts to finished documents. It was very hard in some cases.

I have not made up my mind about G+. Seems just one more thing to suck up time and give back nothing. Like a Tribble.

Some people are wondering about Google's deletion of accounts that do not use real names. Some people are telling us they lost (not sure if it was a permanent loss) access to all Google services because they used a fake name. I think Coke Cola's account was closed because a real human name was not used. I recall reading about a Google developer that also had his account closed. And he (I think) worked on Google Plus.

Ask yourself what would happen if you no longer have Google Anything access. And I am NOT saying this will happen, but there are some interesting stories about Google Plus and fake names.

If this matters to anyone, Google it. Not important in my view because I do not use my G+ account. Until there is some resolution, G+ is not in my life. I need to find a way to monetize G+. Then I will be a booster.
Google has gotten it done with AdWords..search related advertising. Facebook is trying 'context' (people, place) based advertising when people use FB. FB ad revenue dwarfs in front of Google.

What if google can tie those two together..??! G+ I think is a strong proposition..Google already has 'search' related ads covered.. now it will take over 'context/social' ads. Me thinks! :)
I really don't think g+ offers enough to make people switch. I remember the switch from myspace to Facebook was a breath of fresh air. Myspace was horrible, which made the change a very easy decision. Sure facebook has some problems but enough to make the average person transfer everything to a new networking site? Most of my friends can care less about g+ because Facebook works just fine for them.
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