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Folks couldnt see screen difference!


iPF Noob
Mar 18, 2012
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Ive been loving my new ipad 3 for a coupla weeks now and had given my ipad 2 to my stepmum for mothers day (it was only 2 months old), and yesterday i finally took my ipad 3 round to show them the differences between the two (they couldn't understand why i had needed to buy a new one so soon). I loaded up a book on both, then some pics, and apps, to show off the screen, expecting some "ooohs" and "aaahhhs", but they genuinelly said they couldn't see the difference! :confused: even when both were running side by side! :eek: but to me and im sure to a lot of you guys the difference was like night and day! the new screen is so much sharper/clearer ,colour is better ,everything about it is better imo. does anyone else NOT see the difference between the two ipads when run side by side? are my folks mutants or something?!? lol.

and no, they werent just winding me up. :)
To really see the difference make sure you have an app that is updated to support the screen. The other factor is mature adults like me have eye issues and they may not see the different however in saying that the text is so much clearer it is not funny. I have both ipad2 and iPad 3 every one I show say wow that is so clear.
I'm not even a mature adult and the the difference isn't as pronounced for me. Only when I'm wearing contacts instead of glasses do I see a significant color/clarity difference.
I have the iPad 3 and on my first look at te iPad 2 and 3 side by side in the shop I found it hard to tell. Having owned one for a while my eyes have adjusted and I can now definatly tell when I pick up the old
iPad. I can see the pixels on it that I need noticed before.
I would say the difference is about what the difference is between 720p and 1080p. I can easily tell the difference, others not so much.

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I appreciate that some older people have deteriorating eyesight but I'm honestly staggered how many younger people have told me they can't see a difference, even when I load up stuff where there is a marked difference.

I'm genuinely think a lot of people need to get their eyesight checked. I'm not just saying that - I wonder how many people have never bothered getting an eyesight test and so possibly don't realise there's anything wrong.
If you read PDF of articles from technical journals, then you can see the difference immediately. Reading tiny type on webpages shows the difference immediately. But I would say that for most people who just look at the screen from 15inches to 2 ft away aren't going to see any difference. For a 10-inch display, you need to be within 1ft of the screen to tell 1080p from 720p. I think most people will view beyond this distance. But when I'm reading, I'm near a foot from the screen, give or take depending on what I'm going. Sometimes much farther away, but sometimes within 1 ft, if I'm reading something very intently. Since I do a lot of this kind of reading, this upgrade is a complete no-brainer for me. And the 4G LTE is a lovely thing to have on a tablet. Having better than wifi speed when on travel is something that will spoil you rotten.
I started to dislike the pixilation on the iPad 2 even before I knew there was a new iPad. I probably got spoiled by the iPhone 4.
Why worry about whether other people see the diff on your iPad?

If you see the diff and find it useful, that's all that matters. If you eat something, do you require that other people enjoy its taste, too? Lol.
Why worry about whether other people see the diff on your iPad?

If you see the diff and find it useful, that's all that matters. If you eat something, do you require that other people enjoy its taste, too? Lol.

That's funny. If I paid $800 for whatever I ate, I might! :)
My own personal take on the new screen is.. yes it's better, but it's certainly not a 'Jeeez.. I've gotta get one of these difference'

I suppose at 68 yrs I would be considered a mature adult, thankfully a recent eye test revealed my eyesight was still pretty good, infact when I returned my first iPad to the Apple store because I was constantly fixated by a tiny spec of dust under the screen which TBH was only visible on a white or light grey screen the young staff in the store had great difficulty seeing it, though once I pointed out exactly where it was 2 of them did acknowledge it could be seen.

When someone buys a new toy, especially so when it's a little pricey, it's natural many buyers will try to convince themselves they made the right choice and will try and justify reasons why they upgraded, us men do it all the time..lol only difference between myself and a few other's is that I will openly admit it, I'm also fortunate at my time of life that I don't really have to justify what I do so much.. not financially anyway.. otherwise I'd never be changing my cars either, and look how much new cars cost. ;-)

When I first showed my wife and my 2 sons my iPad 3 their response was similiar to the OP experiences, though after putting up some text pages alongside the same pages on our iPad 1 they then said they could see a slight improvement, but all stated it wouldn't make them go out and buy it. TBH I didn't need much convincing when deciding to buy, as I skipped the iPad 2, and knew the wife would have fun with my iPad1 64gb/3g, as she already used it, as much as I did, plus the fact I would'nt miss the cash much anyway, so I knew months ago I'd be getting the new model when it was released. I should add, I may not have been quite so keen if I already owned a iPad2... I honestly don't know.

Since then, the eldest son has also bought a iPad 3 himself, and passed his iPad 1 onto his eldest lad, so perhaps he was more impressed than he let on..lol

I like mine, if only because the wifi is much faster at loading web pages ect compared to our iPad1, and it is noticable lighter than the iPad1, my own first impressions of the screen possibly due to all the hype it received I did initially feel a touch underwhelmed.. maybe I was expecting it to be even better...lol.
Having had it for 3 weeks, I have noticed the improvent more, the text is sharper, and better defined, and IMO images and films look a touch better too, and a Blu-ray rip really does improve films even more, though possibly not enough IMO to justify their slower rip times and much larger size.

So.. am I fairly happy with this iPad 3, yes.. I suppose I am, the new screen is definately better, and after using it for a while now I can tell the diffence right away when I look at the older model.
It's a shame UK users will never benefit from the iPad3's 4G capabilities, that would have been worth having, but it looks like this won't happen till future models come along.. However, I do like the other small things, such as it being faster, both in use and for browsing the web, plus the camera's may be useful at some point, but for me I doubt I'd use them very much. When I tire of it or upgrade again, no doubt the grandkids or someone else will be holding their hands out...lol
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When someone buys a new toy, especially so when it's a little pricey, it's natural many buyers will try to convince themselves they made the right choice and will try and justify reasons why they upgraded, us men do it all the time..lol only difference between myself and a few other's is that I will openly admit it, I'm also fortunate at my time of life that I don't really have to justify what I do so much.. not financially anyway.. otherwise I'd never be changing my cars either, and look how much new cars cost. ;-)

I figure as long as it's my money, I don't owe anyone any justification.

My husband upgrades TVs like it's underwear, lol. I'm sure he has his reasons, but I don't care as long as we can afford it.

If someone asked me why I upgraded my car, I'd tell them that I like new car smell, lol.
I had to load a webpage that had small fonts and compared side-by-side and then the difference was apparent.
I figure as long as it's my money, I don't owe anyone any justification.

My husband upgrades TVs like it's underwear, lol. I'm sure he has his reasons, but I don't care as long as we can afford it.

If someone asked me why I upgraded my car, I'd tell them that I like new car smell, lol.

Good to hear I'm not alone..lol... Life is too short for one not to indulge in things that give pleasure, (within reason.. nothing naughty..lol) though I suspect if my comment above had no validity at all, forums such as this and many others would have far less posts.
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Why worry about whether other people see the diff on your iPad?

If you see the diff and find it useful, that's all that matters. If you eat something, do you require that other people enjoy its taste, too? Lol.

It didnt really bother me as such, i love it thats all that matters, i just couldn't understand or believe that they couldn't see a difference. On the ipad 2 a page of a epub book thing was a sort of yellowy white and pixelly, but on the ipad 3 it seemed whiter and obviously clearer but they couldn't see that?!? it boggled my mind. lol.

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