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Folders for POP email


iPF Noob
This was a question and answer on PadGadget today: (I did not ask the question, but I'd wondered the same thing.)

"Q: My e-mail is of the POP variety. Is there any hope of being able to create folders? This really seems like a simple request.

A: Unfortunately, you need an IMAP account to create folders. With a POP3 mail account, this functionality is not available. POP systems don’t support server side folders like IMAP email accounts do, making it impossible for Apple to provide synced folders."

My comment: We are not asking for SYNCED folders, just local storage folders like Outlook, Thunderbird, the old Outlook Express, and any number of other mail programs have provided for decades. Is there any iPad email app that does this? I have not found one.

Yes, I know, this forum is not PadGadget, but the Q and A were directly related an issue of mine, so I posted it here, where more people might see it. Thank you.

Michael Edwards
I have the same query, my current work around is as follows:
As I use ICloud I have created an ICloud email account, I don't use it for mail but have included it as a mail account on my IPad.
As iCloud is an imap account it lets you create as many mail folders as you wish to.
When I receive mail to my pop mail account I simply save it in the appropriate imap folder.
Not great but it allows me to organise my mail it a semi orderly fashion.

Hmm. Great idea. Didn't think of that. I didn't get the iCloud email account because I already have more email accounts (real or offered) than I can count. But I'll experiment with that tonight when I get back to my iPad. Your method won't take up any local storage space. Thanks!

I have fond memories of visiting beautiful Yorkshire and the Medieval city wall at York. Long ago.

Mike E
No problem Mike, it's not the best situation but seems to work ok. Yorkshire is a bit grim at the moment, first official day of spring but
many roads impassable with snow and rivers threatening to flood at any time. Thank god for the weather or we Brits would have nothing to talk about :0)
Thanks, again, Ian. I set up iCloud email as you suggested, built some storage folders, and Bob's your uncle. It takes several taps to store a message, but I don't plan to store many, so it should work fine. No one here or elsewhere has suggested an email app that provides a better approach.
Thanks, again, Ian. I set up iCloud email as you suggested, built some storage folders, and Bob's your uncle. It takes several taps to store a message, but I don't plan to store many, so it should work fine. No one here or elsewhere has suggested an email app that provides a better approach.

What you can do is forward all the POP mail to your new iCloud e-mail (I think you can forward to iCloud; I know I can forward from a POP mail to Gmail).

Then, the POP mail is already in the e-mail account for which you have built folders. Then, it's one tap to move the new e-mail to its proper folder. This is what I have done with a POP & Gmail setup.

This way, you have the convenience (?) of using your POP mail (as in, you don't have to send change of addresses to everyone) plus you get easier folder management.

Just a thought...


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