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Finally got my iPad


iPF Noob
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Hello. I was resisting to buy it since it announced and finally purchased one. Until I had one I was thinking "do i really need one?" but once I got it my mind changed to "why didn't i get it sooner"

I'm a happy camper now!
Good for you! Let us know what you love about it, and what you don't like about it. Ive only played with one for ten minutes in apple store. Mine is supposed to ship on the 18 of june. Can't hardly wait. Have fun with your new tech toy.
Glad to hear and welcome to the forums. I might suggest the 99 cent app "tips & tricks: ipad edition", which has a ton of great little hidden tricks.
Ah.. It's sad that i have to puchase a app to know tips and tricks lol.
Hey I still keep it installed after months just because it reminds me of some things to do.
I'm saying it should came with iPad for free... I purchased it lol

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