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Files & Photos from PC to the iPad 2 (iOS 5.01 & JB)


iPF Noob
Jan 3, 2012
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Since I have my iPad2 jailbreaked and installed OpenSSH, I can access it pretty good with Putty or WinSCP. I also found the folder where the original Photogallery Images are saved. Instead of the crap with iTunes, i figures it must be possible to also transfer images from outside the iPad that way via SSH Filetransfer. I uploaded some pictures from my PC into that folder. After uploading these files had the same Filepermission but the group owner of these files was of course "root", hence the SSH. ;)

The original images in that gallery folder have group "mobile". So I thought I change the ones I uploaded manually to the same permission group. But still, I cant find these images in the photogallery on my iPad. Is there no way to do it like this with SSH ?

Thanks in advance.
Found something about that here but they talk about some files I don't have in these folders, and some I dont know if they are also ment to delete. Technically they are talking about the iPhone and I dont know enough about all that if there are some major differences for the iPad2 under iOS 5.

blog.mbentley.net » iPhone iOS 4 & 5 upgrade – restore lost pictures in camera roll

Ahttp://blog.mbentley.net/2010/06/iphone-ios-4-upgrade-restore-lost-pictures-in-camera-roll/ny help is appreciated !

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