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Fed Ex, worthless shipping company


iPF Noob
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
Snellville, GA
OK, I will say this up front. This is a rant. Period. Fed Ex has got to be one of the most inefficient excuses of a carrier that I have ever had the unpleasant experience of dealing with.

Needless to say, this involves tracking the iPad coming in. Well, on the website, we've been watching since last week with the online saying the order will be here today by 10:30. I had meetings to schedule around this, so was trying to get verification on this. Especially since as of last night the online system was saying the iPad was STILL in China yet somehow STILL delivering today.

So we called Fed Ex yesterday. Three times to talk to three different people up until 11:00 last night. Each time, same answer. Yes, it will DEFINITELY be there by 10:30 tomorrow (this morning). We even directly questioned them about it showing still in China. The answers?

"The tracking system doesn't always get updated."
"There is still plenty of time for it to overnight and arrive from China."

These were the answers each time, without fail, talking to customer service reps and international customer service.

So today, 10:30 comes and goes. No package, needless to say. Call customer service. And their answer?

"Well, it was international and probably held up in customs. Even though it isn't marked as such on the account online."

So when will it get here?

"We don't know, it's not even in Alaska yet."

So the moral, I have an $800 plus order floating around, this sorry excuse of a shipping company can't tell me where it is, when it will get here, NOTHING! And they wonder why I am annoyed. Really?

To sum up, the customer service reps REPEATEDLY lied about it getting here today, even AFTER I pointed out where it was coming from and said, being a shadow of a doubt, they GUARANTEED it would get here.

And they STILL don't know when the devil I will receive it.

What an efficient shipping company. Not.
FedEX ships more than 3.4 million packages per day...
That is what my iPad tracking was like but I still got it ontime.
I know they have a lot of shipping. And honestly, I wouldn't have been upset if they would have looked it up and said that there were shipping issues and it had been delayed. I would have completely understood that. There were three different people that looked and said, undoubtedly that the order would be on time and that the computers were probably just not updating correctly. They even went as far as detailing the stops the package would make to get here on time.

If they would have just said the truth of the matter, it would have been fine, but to go out of the way and go to the extent they did saying something that wasn't true is what is amazing to me.

I apologize for the rant. It just frustrates the hell out of my that I have to be truthful and stick with my times with my company yet they can go out of their way to make up stories about how it will definitely make it on-time, causing me to rearrange my schedule to be here to sign for it.

That's the main frustration to me. If it's going to be late, say it's going to be late and was delayed, that's fine.
I understand how you feel, you wanted your iPad today...
I feel you. I am checking Verizon's webpage to see if I can order the Droid X every day and I'm sure when I order it, even though I'll be in Germany, I'll make my wife take pictures of it and stuff. I was fortunate with my iPad as I purchased it at Best Buy, but my wife had to wait. However, I wasn't impatient for her iPad lol
Shi$ happens.

I'd be embarrassed to come on here and cry about something I cannot control.

Embarrassed? Really? I was venting. So be it. Sorry to offend you so much. I was and am frustrated about what I consider a stupid move by no less than three customer service representatives that resulted in my shifting meetings around today.
I feel you. I am checking Verizon's webpage to see if I can order the Droid X every day and I'm sure when I order it, even though I'll be in Germany, I'll make my wife take pictures of it and stuff. I was fortunate with my iPad as I purchased it at Best Buy, but my wife had to wait. However, I wasn't impatient for her iPad lol

How are things looking on the Droid X? Initial write-ups seem really good. Have they said anything definite about when you can put in your preorder?
No, Verizon told me to keep checking back around the 1st of July, as most of their preorders begin two weeks before the release, IF at all.

As for the Moto X, I keep seeing good things. I don't care that it doesn't have a front facing camera, I would never try to use a cell phone to do that...and battery life they are saying is comparable or slightly better than the original Moto Droid. So, I'm digging that.
The battery life was something that got my attention also. That's the one minor thing with the Incredible that annoys me. but I can work around that one without a real issue now. I will be curious to see what it looks like in person.
I feel for you remembering how I felt on delivery date. Fortunately it arrived 20 minutes ahead of time stated.
FedEx has this one problem...They use humans. FedEx wanted to put a distribution center in my town, since they already had a facility here. The city would not give them any incentives, so we only get overnight delivery. Every time I get a standard freight, it has to come in a delivery truck from 70 miles away. The last time that happened, my Apple order never made it on time. The idiot gal could not find my address, even though any GPS map will take you there. After four days of her ineptitude, I called Apple and got it overnighted. It arrived two hours before the FedEx gal finally made it. If anything comes through the local center tho, I have no complaints about service. UPS is usually pretty good, but I have heard a lot of tales about both carriers.
OK, I will say this up front. This is a rant. Period. Fed Ex has got to be one of the most inefficient excuses of a carrier that I have ever had the unpleasant experience of dealing with.

Needless to say, this involves tracking the iPad coming in. Well, on the website, we've been watching since last week with the online saying the order will be here today by 10:30. I had meetings to schedule around this, so was trying to get verification on this. Especially since as of last night the online system was saying the iPad was STILL in China yet somehow STILL delivering today.

So we called Fed Ex yesterday. Three times to talk to three different people up until 11:00 last night. Each time, same answer. Yes, it will DEFINITELY be there by 10:30 tomorrow (this morning). We even directly questioned them about it showing still in China. The answers?

"The tracking system doesn't always get updated."
"There is still plenty of time for it to overnight and arrive from China."

These were the answers each time, without fail, talking to customer service reps and international customer service.

So today, 10:30 comes and goes. No package, needless to say. Call customer service. And their answer?

"Well, it was international and probably held up in customs. Even though it isn't marked as such on the account online."

So when will it get here?

"We don't know, it's not even in Alaska yet."

So the moral, I have an $800 plus order floating around, this sorry excuse of a shipping company can't tell me where it is, when it will get here, NOTHING! And they wonder why I am annoyed. Really?

To sum up, the customer service reps REPEATEDLY lied about it getting here today, even AFTER I pointed out where it was coming from and said, being a shadow of a doubt, they GUARANTEED it would get here.

And they STILL don't know when the devil I will receive it.

What an efficient shipping company. Not.

What's the big deal if you get it a day late? Is you business going out of business if you get it one/two days late? I do not understand the fuss you are making!! Just be happy, life is short.

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