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Drawing on the iPad


iPF Noob
I'm currently using Art studio vs. Sketchbook pro on my ipad. I have sketchbook on my ipod touch but found the interface in the iPad cumbersome. I'm just wondering if any of you out there use your iPad primarily for art.
I do plan it in the future...just trying to determine what will suit my needs best at this time. Any thoughts on your likes/ dislikes of Sketchbook Pro?
I use sketchbook pro and I donuse it often. At first I was same way with the interface but after a good trail and errors (and getting comfortable and confidence with using your fingers) you can do somempretty incredible things I startle myself with then quality that you achieve with sketchbook pro. I have not tried art studio..
yea... having a Pogo Sketch makes all the difference in the world when drawing. I just can't do it with my finger.
Since getting it, I downloaded ArtStudio and have been drawing/painting like a madman! I don't paint/draw on the computer or in real life, but love it on the iPad.

Here's some I've created:



My latest and favorite:

Very nice MicoByte. I would love to see more of the art you have created on the iPad. Thanks for sharing :).
I do plan it in the future...just trying to determine what will suit my needs best at this time. Any thoughts on your likes/ dislikes of Sketchbook Pro?

sketchbook pro is powerful software, but the interface isn't very intuitive. The swipe gesture you use to bring up the control panel is very productive. You have to do this EVERYTIME you want to select a different tool, such as going back and forth between pencil and eraser. Art Studio has the tools right on the corner with the size toggle up top. It makes life sooooo much easier. I wish Sketchbook would implement this feature.

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