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Deleted calendar entry mysteriouly reappears


iPF Noob
There is a reoccurring entry in my calendar that when you delete it, it mysteriously reappears. And I can't completely delete it it. Please help me!
I will add that this was entered directly on the iPad2, not a synced calendar and is also recurring daily, forever and no option appears to delete all occurrences.
Have you tapped on the event, clicked on "edit" then on the line where it says "repeat" set to Never?
Here is what I have done so far:
Deleted the various calendars synced to this and then re-added them
Changed the specific entry to repeat daily from repeat never and then back to never (of note, I think I originally entered it as repeat daily, though it has always said "never")
Deleted many many days' entries of this and sat bemused to watch it pop back up, every time, at 2:00.

I am now going to remove the synced calendars again and reboot my system.
Have rebooted and verified this is not on gmail or lotus notes calendars, and it's still there, like a ghost haunting me.
A troubleshooting tip, if you haven't done it already.

Hide all your calendars, then turn them back on one at a time until you know exactly what calendar it appears with. From what you've said I'm thinking it is on a local calendar, which means it should appear at the top with no header (Google, iCloud, etc).

The picture shows an example that does not have a local calendar. If it had one, it should be just under the the Hide All Calendars button, it might say something like Local. It's been so long since I had a purely local calendar I'm no longer sure what it said.

Well it says "my calendar" which appears synced with my lotus notes traveler account. Oddly, all items,event his that originated in a google calendar,disappear when I hide "my calendar" aka my lotus notes (work) email.
Is it possible that you are subscribing to your Lotus Notes calendar directly from the Google site, and only getting them 'second hand' that way? Because I don't know of anyway to directly sync Calendar to a Lotus Notes server (though I could easily be wrong about that).

If that is the case you're problem may lie between Google and the Lotus calendar, not in the Calendar app on the iPad.

If it does not reveal any personal data, could you post a screen shot of your calendar with the Calendars displayed, like I did? You can use Skitch (a free app) to cover any personal info and crop (also, like I did). I want to see exactly where the My Calendar is showing up.

Screen shots can be taken by briefly pressing the Home and Power button at the same time.
Thanks. I sync lotus notes to iPad with the lotus notes traveller app. While I can pull my gmail into my lotus notes views, I do not pull my lotus notes into gmail. This was originally entered at on the iPad calendar itself, not gmail or lotus. I'll try to take a screen shot of the problem, thanks.
I am attaching photos below which show the sequence, hope this shows up

First delete the 2 pm entry "call Trisha"


It is gone


Seconds later, it is back

This happens to my iPad too! I think it is a programming problem... I delete the entry then it reappears again! I think it 's creepy...
I think it might be an iCloud issue. I constantly have glitches like that with iCloud. Have you considered temporarily turning off your calendar in iCloud?

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