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Crackle Sony App


iPF Noob
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Just downloaded this free App. So far I'm impressed. Sitting at my desk watching Seinfield. Picture quality is also great.
I watched an episode of Dilbert last night, there wasn't any advert interruptions. I guess there might be when watching something long like a film though.

The screen did turn blank at one point, while the sound carried on. I paused it for awhile and the picture came back. And I had to pause it for a bit near the end for it to load a bit more of the episode. But I put those things down to my rubbishly slow broadband. :(

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I've been watching all the Seinfield episodes this morning but havent experienced any of the above. Mine has been flawless with picture thus far!
I just downloaded it and really liked it. Watched Seinfeld. It stared with a 16 second add. Then we saw Jerry doing his stand up intro that was part of all the early episodes. Then the same 16 second commercial. This was followed by the entire first half of the episode followed by the same 16 second commercial. This was followed by the entire remainder of the episode.

Not too bad at all.....

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I downloaded this last night too. So far very pleased. I watched an episode of NewRadio with no issues. There was an add at the beginning and one during the first "commercial" break. Really liking it so far.
I watched an episode of Al Bundy. Three ads, one in the beginning, middle and end. The were very short - 16 seconds each except the first one.
I downloaded and then viewed content for about an hour and a half this evening. It's okay but still suffers from the same significant problem that most of these apps have in common (i.e. Netflix). Old, older, and very old content. Seinfeld, Charlie's Angels, etc. are prime examples and when you do run across something more recent it's only 3 minute snipets and not entire programs. The movie section does a little better with more current movies (some even as new as three years ago). In my opinion the app gets a B- due to content. I certainly will revisit the app in the weeks to come to see if more current content has been added. In the mean time I'll await HBO GO for my iPad in May.
Location service hog?

Has anyone else noticed that Crackle seems to always use gps even when it's not running?

I noticed this evening that the little arrow next to the battery indicator was on, showing an app was using location services.

After narrowing it down, shutting off Crackle's access to location services will finally shut the arrow off. Seems odd that it runs even when Crackle is not...

Any ideas?!?
MotoDC said:
Has anyone else noticed that Crackle seems to always use gps even when it's not running?

I noticed this evening that the little arrow next to the battery indicator was on, showing an app was using location services.

After narrowing it down, shutting off Crackle's access to location services will finally shut the arrow off. Seems odd that it runs even when Crackle is not...

Any ideas?!?

Turn the location services off
I downloaded and then viewed content for about an hour and a half this evening. It's okay but still suffers from the same significant problem that most of these apps have in common (i.e. Netflix). Old, older, and very old content. Seinfeld, Charlie's Angels, etc. are prime examples and when you do run across something more recent it's only 3 minute snipets and not entire programs. The movie section does a little better with more current movies (some even as new as three years ago). In my opinion the app gets a B- due to content. I certainly will revisit the app in the weeks to come to see if more current content has been added. In the mean time I'll await HBO GO for my iPad in May.
totally agree with what u wrote,i downloaded this a while ago. no change
MotoDC said:
Has anyone else noticed that Crackle seems to always use gps even when it's not running?

I noticed this evening that the little arrow next to the battery indicator was on, showing an app was using location services.

After narrowing it down, shutting off Crackle's access to location services will finally shut the arrow off. Seems odd that it runs even when Crackle is not...

Any ideas?!?

Have you downloaded the Crackle update. This location always on bug is supposed to have been fixed.
HBO GO for iPad is out, but if u don't already have a subscription then the app is useless .

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