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Copy and paste


iPF Noob
Sep 18, 2011
Reaction score
What is the procedure for copying a Pages document and pasting it into Dropbox?

Is this even possible?
Email the pages document to yourself. Open it in your email and tap the box in the upper right corner tap open in and scroll down if necessary to select Dropbox. The Dropbox app will open and you can upload the document to your folder.
You can use SMEStorage's CloudDAV service to get WebDAV access to your DropBox. WebDAV is one of the import/export options in Pages and the other iWorks apps.

SMEStorage is a cloud storage aggregator. It lets you combine various cloud file services in one place. The free account lets you add two cloud services, and DropBox is one of them.

The only real problem with this approach is that files you add directly to DropBox (bypassing SMEStorage) do not automatically update on SMEStorage's servers. You need to force the refresh either at the website, or using the iSMEStorage app ($4.99). It works beautifully for uploads. You just need to remember to force a refresh in SMEStorage before looking for files to download. Or you can just use the DropBox app for when you download.

The other downside is that it makes for a much more complicated file structure. You may have to poke around the first couple of times before you find the right place to upload/download your DropBox files.
Unfortunately this only works with docs under a certain size, I have found
puanga said:
Unfortunately this only works with docs under a certain size, I have found

Most free cloud accounts have bandwidth and/or file size limits. I don't have any way around that, short of paying. If you are going to do that DropDAV.com might be the cheaper option.

You could try sendtodropbox.com, but if your files are that big then sending them by mail will probably not work either, and if it does it will be sloooow.
Thanks to all....but exactly how does one copy anything on iPad? And then where is the item? There doesn't appear to be a clipboard.

Apologies for being such an ignoramus.
To copy text, either tap and holed until the magnifying glass comes up, or double tap. Tap an hold will get you a popup menu with Select and Select All options. Double tap will get you a single highlighted word (or more if the text is not editable). Drag the small blue dots to expand or shrink the text select, then choose Copy from the popup menu.

Go to the destination app and tap and hold in the text field you want to Paste to. Choose the Paste option from the popup menu when it appears.

The clipboard is just a temporary storage place for stuff you copy. It only holds the last thing you copied. You can not access it directly.

If you get the iPad User Guide from the iBook Store, or download the PDF version from Apple's support site it has sections on this that will explain it far better than I have done.

Apple - Support - iPad

Apple - Support - iOS Apps - Welcome
Thanks once agin, Poet. I opine that you explain things more cogently than the manual.

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