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If you do not already sync with another online service, iCloud is a good choice.

Apple - iCloud - Learn how to set up iCloud on all your devices.

If you do sync contacts online, let us know what service and maybe there is an easy way to manage it. Both Gmail and Yahoo can sync contacts if set up correctly.

It is possible to sync contacts directly with the computer, but I consider this a last resort. It tends to have more problems than other methods, for various reasons. if you insist on doing it this way you will find the necessary settings in the Info tab in iTunes. Connect your iPad to the computer and selected in the Devices list in iTunes.
twerppoet said:
If you do not already sync with another online service, iCloud is a good choice.

Apple - iCloud - Learn how to set up iCloud on all your devices.

If you do sync contacts online, let us know what service and maybe there is an easy way to manage it. Both Gmail and Yahoo can sync contacts if set up correctly.

It is possible to sync contacts directly with the computer, but I consider this a last resort. It tends to have more problems than other methods, for various reasons. if you insist on doing it this way you will find the necessary settings in the Info tab in iTunes. Connect your iPad to the computer and selected in the Devices list in iTunes.

Yes, now I'm recalling- I can't use iTunes due to my XP 64 bit but I DO have Dropbox and another alternative. I can't recall the remainder and have obviously lost the link. This does not take instructions as far as other info that I read. I cannot read all of your responses although tonight's been a good try. Hopefully, this is close enough.
twerppoet said:
If you do not already sync with another online service, iCloud is a good choice.

Apple - iCloud - Learn how to set up iCloud on all your devices.

If you do sync contacts online, let us know what service and maybe there is an easy way to manage it. Both Gmail and Yahoo can sync contacts if set up correctly.

It is possible to sync contacts directly with the computer, but I consider this a last resort. It tends to have more problems than other methods, for various reasons. if you insist on doing it this way you will find the necessary settings in the Info tab in iTunes. Connect your iPad to the computer and selected in the Devices list in iTunes.

Something told me that this started on the 9th or 10th so I've read it all from there and while some were related, oh, forget it as it's detail only.
Yes, I have iCloud, Dropbox & if that is not sufficient, Evernote as well. Hopefully, with those setup, my PC XP 64bit Professional not having iTunes usage will cease being problematic. All options are less than a month since install so have at whatever will work for use in moving my large number of Contacts currently in Outlook 2007 in that PC which I'd like to use in iPad2, and hopefully, at least one will accomplish that task so pick what you think would be most helpful and please help so that I will have confidence that I'll soon get a night's sleep sometime soon. I am not going to proofread this saga.
It's now 7:27AM-whatever happens to night since owning this iPad2? Bye, S

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