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Charging question regarding iPad (2017 model)


iPF Novice
Apr 29, 2017
Reaction score
North Carolina

I've been keeping my iPad (2017 model) plugged in most of the time, unplugging it occasionally, try to let it drain completely at least once a month and recharge it (when I forgot got it I did some googling and several places suggested that to "prolong battery life"). Well the past 2 1/2 months I notice if I turn off my iPad to clean the screen (I'll admit sometimes I quickly wipe it off when it's on, but try to turn it off to clean it) -- figure wiping the screen clean either way is fine (if the tablet is on or off). I pretty much have it on 24/7 (use it pretty much like a computer -- although I have a desktop pc, which is a piece of garbage I tend to use my iPad more). Down to the point, I notice just turning it off (when it's fully charged) and wipe off the screen and turn it right back on the battery indicator goes down sometimes down to 88% charged sometimes 96-98% charged. It still charges like normal but I was wondering is there a way to fix this? I have no way to replace any parts (no way to order stuff offline anymore, long story) and no place around here to take it to get repaired (closest place that works on apple devices is 2.5 hour drive away. Is there a way I can fix this on my own? I wanted to try to fix it before things got worse (aka: it stop charging at all).

I tried cleaning the whole tablet (wiping it off with a microfiber cloth -- same kind you use on eyeglasses), sometimes I use some special cleaner if I spend the night with my mother (which is not very often, maybe 2 - 3 times a year) it's made for iPads, I never spray it directly on the screen, I spray it on a microfiber cloth that came with the spray and wipe the screen. Also I use this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0050B6CYW/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 little tool to clean around the home button, the power and volume buttons and use the little brush on it to clean the area where the charger plugs in. Also, guess this part doesn't really matter but thought I'd throw it in anyway (in case I need to stop doing it), the part of the charger cable that plugs into the iPad itself I normally have it plugged in all the time (occasionally unplugging it for random reasons). I normally just unplug the charger from the outlet is all.

Edit: Also checked cable for any kinks or anything that shouldn't be there, cable is perfectly fine.

Also I've tried factory resetting it several times (figuring maybe I messed a setting up or downloaded a app/game that could be causing the issue it keeps doing it regardless).

Also been taking the case off once in a while (cleaning purposes mainly), but now I have to keep it on, corner of it is cracked and I have no way to replace it at the moment (it's a smart case).

Note: It still changes and works perfectly, I just found the slight drain just turning the tablet on and off for less than a minute to clean it was unusual and wanted to check to see if I could fix it in any way so nothing major happens.

Thanks for any help!
MCRVamprynxx33 (aka Jen) :).
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Staff member
Dec 3, 2011
Reaction score
It's possible that your battery can’t hold a full charge anymore. Try draining the battery until the iPad shuts down, then fully charge it. Unplug it and make a note of how quickly the battery charge level drops. If the battery is healthy, it should last for about a month when asleep and even longer if turned off.
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Brian 244

iPF Novice
Oct 20, 2014
Reaction score
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
I'd recommend to stop leaving it plugged in all the time. You should get 10-12 hours constant use a day with it unplugged. Let it charge at night when you are sleeping. Leaving it plugged in 24/7 is likley the reason for the disparity in charge percentage as it is unable to properly gauge the battery level.


iPF Novice
Apr 29, 2017
Reaction score
North Carolina
scifan57 - I'm currently doing that right now, started draining the battery around 6:50 am this morning, been using it most of the day today and right now (8:40 pm) it's 21% battery life, so lasted roughly 14 hours so far (if I did my math right -- I suck at math lol!). Mostly I've just been playing youtube videos today (sometimes, especially at night I spend a while playing several games on it then picking a playlist on youtube (try to pick a short one so if I fall asleep or whatever it will go into sleep mode and not running all night long).

Brian 244 - I didn't even think about it not being able to properly gauge the battery, I'll stop leaving it plugged in all the time and see if it helps.

Thanks again!

EDIT: Not to be a pest but got one more question, when it comes to recharging the iPad once it's drained, can I still use it (play games or watch youtube videos) while it's charging or is it better to just let it sit and not mess with it until it's fully charged? Tried googling this but some places say it's ok to use it while charging, others say not to so a bit confused. Like I mentioned above at night when I go to bed, I like playing a few games then will often sit it on my nightstand and watch videos until I fall asleep.
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iPad Fan
Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
St. Louis, USA
Apple recommends (or used to, at least) running an iPad down to 10-20% once a week, then recharging it to 100% without interruption or usage (overnight is good). This is just to calibrate the percentage calculation, not to make the battery last longer. Outside of that regimen, it's fine to use your iPad while it's charging.

The battery has about 1000 full recharges in it before its capacity drops to around 80% of new. The deterioraton is gradual, and I assume two 50%-to-100% charges are about the same as one 10%-to-100% charge. Obviously, 1000 nightly charges is roughly 3 years.


iPF Novice
Apr 29, 2017
Reaction score
North Carolina
Thanks everyone for the help!

Got two more questions (sorry to be such a pest with my questions lol)..

Whenever I use safari I can go on random sites (normally sites like game wiki's for my mobile games I play or twitch), well I can be browsing them (one example is a wiki for Dragon City, I can start looking up looking stuff for the game and I get redirected to things like this:

Note: also tried the whole disconnecting from wifi, closing safari and clearing history (tried googling the issue). It keeps returning. It's starting to annoy me, can't hardly browse certain sites without it doing this.


^ It gives me that message, something about Android user or sometimes something about Google user..
Is there a way to avoid/prevent this?

Also, a random question I was looking at my storage on my iPad last night and it's pretty full yeah but not maxed -- I always back up images and screenshots I take onto my pc, well I noticed it pretty much says it's full (the internal storage). But they're saying two different things, my iPad says I have 23.2 GB of 32 GB used.. well here's screenshots. Wasn't sure if I should be concerned or not, thought I would ask :). (Random edit: The screenshot says "Not Charging" because I currently had it plugged into my PC to transfer images, it only does that when I have it plugged into my pc).



Again, thanks for the help, and putting up with all my questions.
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