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Changing apple id


iPF Novice
May 29, 2012
Reaction score
Jacksonville, Tx & W.Monroe, La
I have an I phone and several I pads. Why when I set a name under the apple Id section on one device, where the name first shows up in settings, does the name change to that on another device?
Only if you’re signed in with that Apple ID and password on the other device. Apple has no pre-set limit on the number of different Apple IDs you can have.
Device names are not tied to your Apple ID. You could call your devices Thing 1, Thing 2, and That D### Cat, and all of them will still happily use the same Apple ID.

The name Apple gives your device by default is just a placeholder.

You can change your device's name in Settings > General > About > Name
I have a mini and a 11"Pro If i change the name on one as you say then it assigns a number 2 to one of them, What I was asking about as the name assigned on the top left, as Apple ID-personal information-name, change one then the other automatically changes to that.
If you change personal information in your Apple ID account, then it will change on every device that is using that Apple ID. It's associated with your account, not the device.

If you went into your Google account (if you have one) and changed information you'd expect it to change everywhere you sign into that Google account. An Apple ID is no different in that respect.

If you explain why you want/need this to change between your devices, we might be able to make some suggestions. Though, if it's just to distinguish between devices the trouble is unlikely to be worth the effort.

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