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Cannot read full pdf.files


iPF Noob
Jun 15, 2011
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Hi there. I have an iPad 1. I have a problem reading pdf files emailed over to me. When opening the attachment it shows only the top 3/4 of the page. I cannot access the rest of the page. On my iBook I can see the entire page. The same happens with my google email account. The screen cuts off the righthand side of the page so I cannot forward emails. Is there a way to get more screen area?
keesie said:
Hi there. I have an iPad 1. I have a problem reading pdf files emailed over to me. When opening the attachment it shows only the top 3/4 of the page. I cannot access the rest of the page. On my iBook I can see the entire page. The same happens with my google email account. The screen cuts off the righthand side of the page so I cannot forward emails. Is there a way to get more screen area?

Hi keesie,
I, too have an iPad 1. Some of the time I have the same problem when viewing PDF files in an email. There are a few things I try to see if I can see the entire file. I check to see if I have too many programs open in the background. I double click the home button and let the screen rise up to show the background running programs. I shut down all of the and re-open the email with the PDF. If that doesn't work, I try viewing the PDF in either landscape mode or portrait mode by rotating the screen to the one I am not using at the time. Sometimes opening the file in the iBooks app is the only way to reliably view the file.
As for the inability to see the right side of the screen so you can forward an email has me at a loss. Can you send a screenshot?

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I was just reading in another thread about having ZOOM turned on. This might be your problem. To check to see if zoom is turned on go to Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Zoom. If it is turned on you might be in a zoomed in mode making it so you can't see the right hand side of the screen or some of a PDF.
Let me know, OK?

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Fid said:
I was just reading in another thread about having ZOOM turned on. This might be your problem. To check to see if zoom is turned on go to Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Zoom. If it is turned on you might be in a zoomed in mode making it so you can't see the right hand side of the screen or some of a PDF.
Let me know, OK?

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Thanks for your help. I did check zoom but zoom is off
You need an app to read PDFs on your iPad. I use Apple's iBooks. You can download that from the app store for free. Install it and sync again.
Or goodreader, this is a brilliant app to read PDFs and has a lot of other useful functions that your bound to use such as dropbox integration, the ability to email attachments and file management.

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