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Can I use a mouse with my iPad?


iPF Noob
Aug 16, 2011
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I just got a new iPad 2 the was pre-loaded with 4.3.5. Is there anyway I can somehow make it compatible with Apple's Magic Mouse?
There is no support for a mouse on the iPad. The operating system simply will not recognise that mouse.

I saw a YouTube post where the origanal iPad was Jailbroken to use the Magic Mouse. Is this no longer possible?
Unfortunately, no.

The only way you can use a mouse with the iPad is to be jail broken. You are running firmware version 4.3.5, for which the community has not developed/released a jail break.


Besides, use your new device for a few days or week. You'll soon not feel the need for a mouse. The ipad really is a completely different experience than the mouse years you're used to.
Extras that might benefit you though are an external keyboard and a stylus
The one thing that 'touch' doesn't give you is the mouse 'hover' gesture - i.e. where the cursor is 'hovering' over a link, but that link is not depressed.

While everyone's view of the iPad and how it SHOULD be used, and how it COULD be used, is different, my requirements and uage is as a replacement for the laptop - for the most part - and I have been successful at making it a workable replacement. I have a small amout of space to work on, and have important equipment behind the computer which I need access to, and which gets interfered with using the laptop with a large screen open.

I'm in the process of refining the use of the mouse and keyboard, and find them both to be an invaluable addition to the manner in which I am using my iPad. And quite bluntly, NOBODY can (should) tell me that I'm using it wrong. If anyone doesn't understand or agree with my alternative manner of enjoying my stuff, that's a matter for them personally (if you know what I mean).

The external keyboard is fantastic when typing as I'm doing right now... and the mouse is going to be equally fantastic ina moment when I click on "Send." :)

All the best,

Brian - Sent from my iPad using iPF
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I agree that the mouse and keyboard can be invaluable. Let me tell you why I am asking the question so I don't continue to get responses saying that it isnt what the iPad was meant to do. I am exhibiting at a trade show and want our booth to look cutting edge and "techy", as my industry is lagging when it comes to technology. I bought four iPad 2s with keyboard docks and magic mice in order for people to interact in my booth. As you can imagine, having a mouse for this type of application would be invaluable (especially since the idea is to get people to fill out a registration form on the iPad). I know it is a guess at this point, but do you think it is likely that a jailbreak will be out there for the new iOS 5 before November or there will be a way to get these mice to work on my current 4.3.5?
Honestly, no one knows what the jail breaking community will be able to do in regards to iOS5. What we all are hoping is that they can jail break it right away (or at all!). Remember, it took them 3+ months to jail break the iPad2, and 4.3.3 was the only iOS version that could be/was jail broke.

For all we know, there is a jail break waiting in the wings for iOS 5 (just not released so Apple doesn't have a chance to "fix" the iOS). The key is, we just don't know.

All that to say - I would not count on having access to mouse operations on your iPad2 for November. It'd be cool to be pleasantly surprised, but ....

Cause no, there's no way to get mice to work on an unjailbroken iOS 4.3.5-running iPad2. None.

But, if I may say? Having an iPad running with Bluetooth keyboards - that's pretty cutting edge right there! The mice would be the icing on the cake, yes, but then, I think the iPad itself is pretty high tech...and cutting edge. :D

TCLouser said:
I agree that the mouse and keyboard can be invaluable. Let me tell you why I am asking the question so I don't continue to get responses saying that it isnt what the iPad was meant to do. I am exhibiting at a trade show and want our booth to look cutting edge and "techy", as my industry is lagging when it comes to technology. I bought four iPad 2s with keyboard docks and magic mice in order for people to interact in my booth. As you can imagine, having a mouse for this type of application would be invaluable (especially since the idea is to get people to fill out a registration form on the iPad). I know it is a guess at this point, but do you think it is likely that a jailbreak will be out there for the new iOS 5 before November or there will be a way to get these mice to work on my current 4.3.5?

I see your point. The idea is cool, but you picked a screwdriver when you needed hammer. The jailbreak community has a driver called BTStack that is providing that functionality. Don't know if it works well, but it is available. Saddly, you are using iOS 4.3.5, which does not have a jailbreak for now.

In the end, you should have bought Mac Minis or simply netbooks. There are some pretty good looking ones.

VicoPad addict!

I completely agree that just having the iPad itself is pretty cutting edge (which is why we bought them). I am just worried that people who haven't used an iPad before will have difficulties using them. Thanks for all the feedback in such a short time frame! If anyone hears of anyway to get the mouse working on 4.3.5 in the meantime please don't hesitate to let me know at [email protected]. Thanks again
I saw a YouTube post where the origanal iPad was Jailbroken to use the Magic Mouse. Is this no longer possible?

I've seen the Youtube video of a Magic Mouse working with a jailbroken iPad 1

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wklrVOFMKA]Use Apple iPad with Magic Mouse [Jailbreak] - YouTube[/ame]

I have no idea if this will ever work with the iPad 2..
If the reason you want the mouse is to keep people from having direct access to the iPad (and therefore able to switch apps, turn it off, etc.) put the iPad in a case where the Home and Power buttons can not be pressed. That way the can still interact directly with the app you want without messing up the display.

It shouldn't be too hard to put together something plexiglas (or even nice wood) that will do this. I also seem to remember seeing a case like this for sale somewhere.

No, I'm not trying to tell you can't or should not do it, but since you need a short term solution to a problem that will probably take a lot longer to resolve, this may be a workaround for you.

I completely agree that just having the iPad itself is pretty cutting edge (which is why we bought them). I am just worried that people who haven't used an iPad before will have difficulties using them. . .

More probably not that useful ideas. Plaque with instructions? Or go for the cool with a second iPad running a quick tutorial video. There should be some app somewhere that will run a looped video.

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