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Camera Will Not Show Up on iPad


iPF Noob
Jun 27, 2011
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I have an Olympus camera with a XD chip if this makes a difference. I hook the camera connect kit and then plug in the camera and ...nothing. I want to move photos from the camera directly to the iPad without involving my regular laptop. Am I doing something wrong? looks like I am following directions but maybe I missed something. Camera hooks to regular PC and transfers just fine.
I know on my Cannon V1253 for the ipad to see the images on the SD Card the images have to be in a DCIM/100V1253 directories. Maybe the ipad does not know your cameras directory structure.
When the camera is hooked up to a PC it turns itself on automatically and goes to PC mode for photo export. This does not happen with the iPad and I don't know why....always works fine with my PC.....Even if I turn the camera on manually, it does not help with the iPad..But thank you for the reply.
I am circumventing the issue by removing the SD card and using the SD card reader. It is a little more of a hassle but it works. I talked to The camera manufacturer Tech Support and they said that there was some voltage needed that made the camera realize it was hooked to a computer USB and go to the auto photo export mode. They told me they have had other iPad users complain also and there might not be enough voltage present for some of the cameras to recognize it.
I am not a tech so I don't know but maybe this will help somebody else that does a search and this thread shows up. They told me that they did not do support for the iPad --- so I guess I am on my own....What I will do is just remove the SD card and use the card reader. Thanks for the replies.....
Ok. Yes, the iPad's port supplies very little current, so that could certainly be the cause.

Glad you found a solution.

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