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iPF Noob
Feb 8, 2012
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S there any way to keep entries from Calendar to disappear after a few months... I use it heavily and would like to keep them at least a year... SW
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wilysam said:
S there any way to keep entries from Calendar to disappear after a few months... I use it heavily and would like to keep them at least a year... SW

I can only speak of Exchange and Gmail calendar syncs, but those are controlled by the Setting > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Calendars Sync setting, although Exchange syncs can be restricted server side as well

I believe that setting also applies to iCloud but I'm not sure since all my current iCloud events fit within my sync restrictions. I don't use a device only calendar so I can't comment on that either way.
I too would like to know if you could save for more than the six months allowed in Settings. However, I have just found too that my iPad 2 calendar is no longer syncing with my other iPad or with my Google calendar. It used to do it beautifully, even though I had not been aware it could sync with those calendars! It does sync with my iPod touch. As far as I can see my settings are all the same. I do have Exchange but not MobileMe.
michali said:
I too would like to know if you could save for more than the six months allowed in Settings. However, I have just found too that my iPad 2 calendar is no longer syncing with my other iPad or with my Google calendar. It used to do it beautifully, even though I had not been aware it could sync with those calendars! It does sync with my iPod touch. As far as I can see my settings are all the same. I do have Exchange but not MobileMe.

Just to add, I see I can enter information into Google Calendar and it will sync to the iPad/iPod but will not sync from entry in iPad calendar with Google Calendar!
It's pretty much six months or everything on the calendar for the standard app.

When adding on the device make sure you have the right calendar selected when adding the event. I can't count the number of times I've put events on the wrong calendar by mistake. Under settings, if you primarily use your Google calendar set it as the default and see if that helps. :)

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