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Audiobooks.com fuels your passion for books on the go


Staff member

Do you find yourself wishing you could read more, but you just don’t find the time? Would you like to fructify the time you spend driving you car to work or taking the train into town? Well, here’s the solution to your problems. Meet the new Audiobooks.com service which promises book enthusiasts unlimited access to audio books on demand, using cloud-based streaming of course.

Right now interested parties, have the opportunity of choosing between 10,000 titles – most of them best seller and classical all time favorites. We have the feeling the numbers will keep growing in the near future. The feature also allows for quick switching between devices, so when you go for a run in the morning and want to pause your iPhone, you can easily resume from where you left off, using your laptop when you jump into bed at night. Another plus audiobooks.com offers - users will never have to worry about storage issues, because the service is cloud bound.

Even if audiobooks.com does not have an app available for download in the App Store, the website is built in such a manner that it will work wonderfully for your mobile. To subscribe to the service you will have to pay $24.95 per month. If you are having second thoughts about whether or not to subscribe, the site provides a „browse the catalog†option, so you can be convinced you are doing the right thing when you sign up. Users of the iPhones, iPad and Android devices and PCs alike can benefit from the service, so nobody is left out from the world of futuristic culturalization.

Source: iMore.com
Thanks for the heads up. It seems like a good deal for people with long commutes, or who can regularly listen for long stretches.

I like the rental idea, but I spend only limited time listening, so I think I'm actually better off buying from Audible. I'd be interested if rental memberships were cheaper, even if they limited you to two books a month, for example. I basically listen to books only when I'm driving or otherwise unable to read an actual book.

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