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AT&T Network Restrictions

Sonny Burnett

iPF Noob
Mar 7, 2010
Reaction score
Boston, MA
AT&T and their 29.99 monthly fee are blocking Skype Calls and limiting bandwidth for video. In fact the ABC app doesn't work on 3G. They better do something about this as people will not stand for it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJBpn1X_h2I]YouTube - SKYPE DOES NOT WORK W 3G Apple iPad 3G ATT GPS Wi-FI[/ame]
They just came out with an update for the ABC app. It now works over 3G now and does landscape view among other things.
It will take a while before all the sites get their acts together. 3G has only been out for a few days and each vendor has got to spend time to improve the sites ability to stream.
Well AT&T speed is pretty bad from the benchmarks I've seen so I wouldn't expect much from video quality.
I'm watching the ABC stream right now on 3G and it looks pretty darn good! I was just about to dump the app because I'm never on WiFi.
I am actually very impressed with the quality of the 3G video from the abc app. Considering it's over a wireless connection and they dumb down the quality it still is very impressive and smooth. Of course I happen to live in an area that has very strong att 3G so YMMV. I for one am a very happy 3G owner. Now the wait for hulu and the gifts it brings.
The guy in the video blames AT&T for Skype not working on 3G but the AT&T restriction has been lifted. The lack of 3G is Skype's fault. A lot of people on Skype's forum are blaming this on Skype's deal with Verizon. I don't know enough about this to make a comment but this time we can't blame AT&T for Skype's lack of 3G support.
The guy in the video blames AT&T for Skype not working on 3G but the AT&T restriction has been lifted. The lack of 3G is Skype's fault. A lot of people on Skype's forum are blaming this on Skype's deal with Verizon. I don't know enough about this to make a comment but this time we can't blame AT&T for Skype's lack of 3G support.

Isn't 4.0 supposed to have skype connectivity built in?
I know Skype has a beta version that was shown on iPhone OS 4. Other than its multi-tasking abilities I know little else about it.
We know three things.

1. No matter how much AT&T spends to improve its service, we will find ways to gripe about it. If the iPhone had come out on Verizon, we would have griped about it.

2. 3G service is going to vary a whole lot depending on where you are, and how many people are trying to get access.

3. While AT&T takes a lot of flack for their issues, it often is an issue with the application, or a mix.

Verizon is big around here and they have good service, but I have watched TV stations using Skype to show consumer video and find it to be a poor substitute for most other sources.
I know Skype has a beta version that was shown on iPhone OS 4. Other than its multi-tasking abilities I know little else about it.

Yea that's the one I'm talking about. I think if SJ was showcasing it it should be a done deal when 4.0 rolls out.
I know Skype has a beta version that was shown on iPhone OS 4. Other than its multi-tasking abilities I know little else about it.

Yea that's the one I'm talking about. I think if SJ was showcasing it it should be a done deal when 4.0 rolls out.

Unfortunately we as iPad users won't get Skype for OS 4 until at least the fall.
I know Skype has a beta version that was shown on iPhone OS 4. Other than its multi-tasking abilities I know little else about it.

Yea that's the one I'm talking about. I think if SJ was showcasing it it should be a done deal when 4.0 rolls out.

Unfortunately we as iPad users won't get Skype for OS 4 until at least the fall.

But at least we're getting it. Hey after the torturous waiting for my 3G, the fall doesn't seem that far away.;)
I'm not sure if I'll update to the new OS ASAP. All these years of MS upgrades has made me wary and this is my first experience with Apple.

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