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ARGH! My iPad is broken...isn't it?


iPF Noob
Jun 7, 2010
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
I guess I posted this in the wrong forum earlier!

I've just turned on my iPad and I have a couple of inches of horrible squiggly pixels across the middle!

I've not dropped it and it's been kept in a pretty robust leather case the whole time - however, I've just noticed a small dent in the aluminium on the back in the same place as the mess on the front.

I have an appointment at the genius bar tomorrow but does anyone know what they might say? Will the dent mean that they won't replace it?
Let's try that again.

Here's a picture - don't look if your squeamish...
What happened to it? You don't get a dent in the back without noticing it.
Nothing! It's not really a dent - just a kind of unevenness - it may way have always been there - It's been in a hard case since day one so I might not have noticed. I was using it to read an ibook last night and it was fine, I put it on charge and went to sleep - then woke up to this today. Devastated!
Good luck. I just took my case off, the Apple one, and I could see no unevenness anywhere -- just nice smooth, evenly curved aluminum. Hope it is all under warranty for you, including the unevenness in the case.

I take it you've fully turned it off and on, and done a hard reset?
Thanks. Yes, I've done the resets and it's not worked. Looks like some kind of manufacturer fault I think. Weird how it just happened though.
So how did it get the dent? It came from the factory? I would have taken it back for sure...of course now the back of mine is all scratched and whatnot but still, I wouldn't have accepted one with a dent in it.
Unfortunately this story didn't end well.

The genius guys said that the dent on the back is consistent with the damage to the LCD so it's not covered by the warranty. It does look like something has been dropped on it, but I know that this hasn't happened on my watch! I'm now on the case to find out just who has done this - I've let a few people play with it so I'm guessing that someone's not been as honest as they might have been.

They've offered me a replacement which is going to cost me £299 (64gig wifi), better than nothing - I guess that's what credit cards are for...

So, the moral of this story is - be careful with your shiny new iPad - they clearly aren't as robust as iPhones - and if you let people use us - make sure that they treat it just as well as you would.
Letting people use it is the thing. I'm not criticizing the original poster, just simply pointing out that this a valuable lesson learned. Nobody is going to treat your iPad the way you do, so think wisely. Also, that's good that apple was willing to give you credit for an iPad that suffered accidental damage. I know a replacement would have been nice but that's a lot better than having to fork over the cash for the total cost of a new one.

Also Rickt, have you considered putting a warranty on the new one just in case something happens. They say lightening doesn't strike twice, but since you aren't sure who damaged it, it probably wouldn't hurt.
I never let people use mine, maybe I'm just greedy. I also don't like people around my car, for the same reason. Teacher is right, people almost never respect your property like you do. I always extend my respect for other people's cars by not leaning, touching, or scratching them, but no one ever does the same. I hate when someone comes up to my car and leans on it...little do people know even skin will scratch paint, especially in a desert climate where there is a lot of dust in the air to be rubbed into the clear coat. /rant
I let people test it out while I supervise and that's it. If they want one, they can stop being cheap pricks and go buy one themselves :) .
I'm sorry it wasn't Warranty, but at least you can get a replacement for probably less than you could send it to a 3rd party for repair. There are reputable folks in the US (don't know what you have available in the UK) that could repair it all, including removing the dent, but I doubt for less than what Apple wants.

The person who dented it may not have known they damaged it because of the case; but they certainly know they dropped it, or dropped something heavy on it.

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