Editor in Chief

Yes, the headline is meant to be attention grabbing, but that's only because we want you guys to be informed. Apparently, a number of folks who already received their stainless steel version of the Apple Watch are complaining how easily the device scratches. Despite this version of the Apple Watch being made of 316L stainless steel, after only three days of ownership multiple users have found tiny scratches easily appearing on the outer metal casing of their brand new Apple gadgets.
Of course, it would be unrealistic to assume that the device is completely scratch resistant, but it still has many of these owners scratching their heads in frustration. Supposedly, several of these owners haven't even been able to determine how the scratches are appearing on the device, which suggests it could be a bit too easy to damage. Right now the only option is to take the device into an Apple store (or a jeweler) to have the scratches buffed out with professional tools. It's not quite a #Scratchgate level social media problem, but enough people have experienced it to be noticeable.
It almost makes you wonder if it makes more sense to have pre-ordered the cheaper Sport version of the watch, since it doesn't seem to be getting the same complaints. We included a video in the thread below which details the problem and fixes.
Source: BGR