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Apple Ripped Me Off

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iPF Noob
Feb 3, 2012
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Boy am I anoyed with Apple and the Sales staff at the Charlestown Apple Store.

At the start of February I went into to enquire about purchasing an I Pad and after much discussion I decided to purchase an I Pad 2. At no time did the Salesperson mention that a new version of the I Pad was being released in 5 weeks time as if they had I would of course delayed my purchase.

I had absolutely no idea that a new I pad was due for release so soon after my purchase and was surprised when I watched the news this morning and found this to be the case. To rub it in further Appler have reduced the I pad 2 price as well.

Well the staff at the Apple Store conned me and I thought they were professional representatives of Apple. This is my first venture into the Apple product and will be my last. I have written a formal letter of complaint to Apple's Australian Manager and will post the reply - if they have the courtesy and guts to reply.
Last year we purchased the iPad 1 for my mother and shortly after, they brought out the iPad 2 and reduced iPad 1 by £100. Wasn't happy, went back to the store and was refunded £100. May be worth asking the question - if you don't ask, you don't get. You certainly don't have anything to lose.
Good luck!

Sent from my iPad using iPF
It's also worth doing some research yourself. A bit of delving into things, like visiting this forum, would have quickly made it obviouse a new device is released at about march time.

And Apple are hardly going to turn down a sale, let alone tell you there's a new iPad out next month. Most Apple staff don't know for sure there's new products for sale, and they're certainly not allowed to say if there are.

As Anna says, go talk to your store and tell them your grief. You might even be able to upgrade easily with them.
It's also worth doing some research yourself. A bit of delving into things, like visiting this forum, would have quickly made it obviouse a new device is released at about march time.

And Apple are hardly going to turn down a sale, let alone tell you there's a new iPad out next month. Most Apple staff don't know for sure there's new products for sale, and they're certainly not allowed to say if there are.

As Anna says, go talk to your store and tell them your grief. You might even be able to upgrade easily with them.

Thats the root of the problem. People have to be more honest with each other. Non disclosure was unethical and if this was Apple's policy they need to be ashamed. Not good corporate citizenship.
I am sorry you have issues with Apple how ever as others have said it appears you made no research into any forums or news articles. Unlike other products the rumors about Apple and the ipad were running fast and furious however in saying that NO ONE knew when the new model would be announced. The other factor NO apple reseller or even the Apple stores have any idea of when products would be announced further more what time line , features, price etc as that has been the case since the nineties. Apple is the most locked up secret company on the planet.

The same issue happens with computers and with any brand the average life span of a model is about 3 months maybe just maybe 5. Usually it is a speed bump more ram etc or faster processor but regardless it is a new model so the computer you purchased today is end of life with in 12 weeks.......Where I am coming from is Apple is not to blame. I suggest you discuss it with the manager of the store that is all you can do. My suggestion in future is research ANY product you are looking at purchasing regardless what it is. Hope that helps.
Thats the root of the problem. People have to be more honest with each other. Non disclosure was unethical and if this was Apple's policy they need to be ashamed. Not good corporate citizenship.

it's only unethical if they lie to you and deliberately mislead. they didn't. they didn't know. the ipad2 was and still is in the range current products. and will continue to be for the current foreseeable future. as col says, research would have instantly put you more aware. you can hardly blame Apple for keeping mum on new products whilst regular products continue to retail.
The Apple store employees found out about the new iPad yesterday, the same as everyone else. And if they read about a new ipad from reading the hundreds of articles about it, they would have been prohibited by their employment contract from saying anything. On iOS devices, Apple is very consistent about release schedules. They also know that they cannot keep some of the details from slipping out, but they are not above salting a few false rumors for fun. And they are doing a good job of keeping everything hushed up. 50% of experts thought it was to be called the iPad 3, 40% had it the iPad HD, and 10% the iPad 2S. Nobody thought it was to just be iPad. So you should not blame the employees for not telling you what they did not know.
When buying electronics, best to find out how long the model has been out. That answer will tell you the likelihood of your buying something that's soon going to be replaced.
You should have spent some time before dropping 500 bucks and done some research.....like on this forum. The salespeople did not know when the new iPad would be out...Apple does not advertise this. But there were rumors........Also the iPad2 is proven with bug fixes and I "think" the iPad2 is lighter .... I don't want anymore weight. Be happy with the 2 ... It is a great device.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, Captain. But it is kind of your fault there for not doing further research into the iPad. 5 weeks ago, no one knew when the iPad 3 would be announced, let alone released.
They arnt aloud to tell you because they don't know forsure themselves when or if it will be released so it's your fault not there's you should have done your research
So, if you JUST bought the iPad2, return it (or if that is not possible due to store policies, SELL it outright)... then order the newest iPad.

I don't see this as being "Apple's" problem or issue.

I mean, I (and every other person following Apple's tech) knew there was a new iPad coming this year back in December 2011 - yet, I still went for & bought the iPad2 64G at that time.... why? Because, I WANTED it...

Plus, after the newest "unveiling" of the newest iPad yesterday, personally, I don't see any MAJOR revisions that would cause me to want to buy one NOW... It's pretty much an iPad 2"S"... LMAO... The iPad2 just came out, what, last year - and now all the sudden Apple is pushing out another new iPad so close to the last release - really makes no sense, especially with hardly any MAJOR revisions. I don't call a revised resolution, some memory and camera tweeks major... (oh and 4g over 3g - even that does not matter to me - because I don't need or use the "g" signal anway, so it was never even a thought for me as to what model I wanted or needed... WiFi is easily accessible in my area).

Wait another year or longer and the next iPad will be out then and most likely with major revisions... LOL
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thecaptain said:
Boy am I anoyed with Apple and the Sales staff at the Charlestown Apple Store.

At the start of February I went into to enquire about purchasing an I Pad and after much discussion I decided to purchase an I Pad 2. At no time did the Salesperson mention that a new version of the I Pad was being released in 5 weeks time as if they had I would of course delayed my purchase.

I had absolutely no idea that a new I pad was due for release so soon after my purchase and was surprised when I watched the news this morning and found this to be the case. To rub it in further Appler have reduced the I pad 2 price as well.

Well the staff at the Apple Store conned me and I thought they were professional representatives of Apple. This is my first venture into the Apple product and will be my last. I have written a formal letter of complaint to Apple's Australian Manager and will post the reply - if they have the courtesy and guts to reply.

How long have you been on this forum? iPad 3 is all we talked about here at the very earliest January 2012.

Sent from my Tricked Out Glittery Verizon Black 32GB iPhone 4 Tethered to iPad 2 w IOS 5.1 Update From NYC!!! using iPF
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