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Android-A Perspective

Yeah, they are going to have to address the privacy issue, but Android is still fairly new and will evolve. It will have growing pains Apple doesnt because of its open nature, but it also has some things to offer that Apple wont because of its closed nature. It will be fun to watch as things play out.

There is still the big unknown of the new Windows 7 Phone due out this year. They are finally requiring a hardware graphics processor and some other constraints on hardware, so this should solve the lag issues they have had in the past. The new platform has potential, but they have an uphill battle ahead. They let Windows Mobile stagnate too long and are now WAY behind the curve.
I have an Android based phone, and while it is good, and will stand as a suitable replacement for the iPhone for the moment (I'm with Verizon, no chance of me changing), Android definitely has to get some issues straightened out. They must get all of their items on the same OS before they attract many real developers. They need to work out the memory issue for the size of programs to be run. And they need to improve the quality of the apps. These are issues that Apple has worked through by keeping so much control over development. And I believe this is where that control has benefited them. Do I like the Android? Yes. Do I want to see the Android platform grow? Yes. Quite simply because any kind of competition will help keep prices in check and drive further development. On all platforms involved.
Pretty much ten years down the road, the only biggest names in the smart phone niche will be Apple and Google. Apple because of their iPhone. Google because no other company will be able to make an Echo system as vibrant as Apple has made for the iPhone, thus they will all flock to Google's android.

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