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An interesting read...are the competitors doing it wrong?

But there is a huge market of consumers who can't stand Apple products because they are locked down.

I really dont think this market is as large as you think it is. It may be the most vocal, but not big enough for Apple to cater to completely - or else things would not be as locked down.

I didn't say Apple should cater to it. I said "Why shouldn't the other companies capitalize off of it? And you're wrong about the size. Just remember...I am always right. It's easier to just agree with me.

Nate ;o)

I think he's right and you're wrong.
I really dont think this market is as large as you think it is. It may be the most vocal, but not big enough for Apple to cater to completely - or else things would not be as locked down.

I think the market is very large - this sort of thing is why Apple is only 10% of the computer market. However, Apple's share of the market has been predicated on the concept of ease-of-use/lack of technological know-how. The deal is the box does what it does, and you don't open the box.

While people in general want their systems unlocked, want more options, Apple's customers do not. One of their competitors will come out with something less elegant but more functional and configurable, and the market will re-distribute along the usual lines.
I really dont think this market is as large as you think it is. It may be the most vocal, but not big enough for Apple to cater to completely - or else things would not be as locked down.

I didn't say Apple should cater to it. I said "Why shouldn't the other companies capitalize off of it? And you're wrong about the size. Just remember...I am always right. It's easier to just agree with me.

Nate ;o)

I think he's right and you're wrong.
Damn...I thought for sure that kind of attitude would make me fit in. Guess I'll just go back to trying to upload photos through iTunes. It acts like a darned PC.

Dislike the emotive use of words such as lockdown walled garden etc., as everything operates within restraints. For some the restraints are more onerous than to others..

It's really a philosophical division regarding freedom and control. The trouble is computers are based on control. A bit is either on or off, not maybe.
Apple has chosen a degree of control to avoid problems and create ease of use. But it's a decision is based on several decades of experience and the limitations of the particular hardware.
For most of us that's fine, if we don't move we won't feel our chains.
For the free spirits theres always jailbreaking and android :)

Just as I'm capable of holding conflicting and contradictory views on many things, so too can these forums and the tablet world.
The issue is not so much, is Apple right or is PC right. It's about the various colors in the consumer electronics community. Same reason we have McDonalds, BurgerKing, Wendy's...people have different tastes. While I would like nothing more than to see anWendys on every street corner and see those other two shut down...for some odd reason the lines at the other two's drive ups stay long. My way is not right for others. The Apple experience is different than the PC experience and they are both different from Android. And there is plenty of room for all...we'll...except for Palm...they need to go away. ;0)

That's the problem with the internet, anyone can write an editorial and make it sound like they have a clue what they are talking about, when in reality most of these fanboy bloggers have their heads so far up their ass they can see daylight.

The only people "doing it wrong" are fanatical bloggers like the douche who wrote that article. Not Apple, not Android, not Palm, Microsoft, Santa Claus, or Sarah Palin, they are all doing it how they feel is right, and there are bound to be other people who agree with the way they are doing it.

So, again, no, competitors like Google and RIM are not doing it wrong, they are just doing it differently.
Superbike81 said:
That's the problem with the internet, anyone can write an editorial and make it sound like they have a clue what they are talking about, when in reality most of these fanboy bloggers have their heads so far up their ass they can see daylight.
I agree for the most part. The other issue is that few people learn critical reading skills these days. People read something that agrees with their world view and never really consider the validity. The reports said Iraq had WMD, for example ;)
I disagree with the article that it's not so much that the competitors of Apple aiming at the wrong target, it's their reason for making products. The bottom line goal for most companies is to make money. I know, what are they in business for if not to make money? I will put out there that Apple's (Steve Jobs) main goal is not about making money. Their focus is to produce an elegant solution, unique and revolutionary and the by product is that they are making money hands over fist. The difference between Apple and most of the other companies is the leader. Most companies are run by people that were hired by a Board of Directors that in most cases have no real connection to the companies they serve other than the stocks and salary to receive. They are driven by the bottom line and nothing more. If they could make money selling toilet tissue in a can they would. New innovations, especially revolutionary ones tend to come from companies that have a visionary as a leader. Remember what Sony once was when their founder Akio Morita was in charge?
The iPad is a revolutionary product developed by a company that spent many years trying to perfect something that was a vision in Steve Job's head. There is something special about Steve. Now understand that I think he is very arrogant but there is not discounting that he is a visionary. For that he desires whatever credit he gets. The downside of this visionary is that he will not wavier in what he believes is correct. So things like flash will never come even though it would yield more sales. These holes left by Apple will be filled by companies trying to make money. They will provide these products that are more evolutionary because that is the makeup of their product development. There will be some companies that will make money and be successful because there is a large portion of the population that doesn't appreciate the new and innovative. Their drivers are value that is based on pure economics. Companies that cater to this group makes their money on volume. This category will eventually become a commodity and the volume companies will be the kings of it.
Apple is an innovator company. As the market surges to commoditized everything, Apple chooses to carve it's niche. That is Apple's game. They are working on the next great revolutionary product. It will be sad when Steve is gone.
Alanfujii said:
I disagree with the article that it's not so much that the competitors of Apple aiming at the wrong target, it's their reason for making products. The bottom line goal for most companies is to make money. I know, what are they in business for if not to make money? I will put out there that Apple's (Steve Jobs) main goal is not about making money.
So you really haven't followed Steve Job's career very long I see. ;)

While he is a fanatic about design, he is also a fanatic about controlling his market and maximizing profit.
And your point Wrecklass?

My point is that with the majority of companies out there money is the only thing they are after. Do you be grudge them also? As distasteful as Steve Jobs may be in some cases you cannot deny his stamp on Apple's success. I admire him only because his belief in his vision has produced some pretty amazing things. It's hard to be an innovator. It's not an easy road. You have to be willing to take risks.

This thread began with someone's idea that the competition was aiming at the wrong target. His point was Apple's dedication to aiming at the customer's user experience was where Apple was succeeding. I guess he felt it was the lack of attention to user experience was the competitions downfall. I was giving my opinion (just one person's viewpoint) that it's Apple's drive for product innovation that is the grounds for their success. They further enhance this with the way to pay attention to detail. The packaging etc enhances the experience one gets when buying product. But bottom line it would get old pretty fast if there wasn't something unique under all the wrappings.
wrecklass said:
So you really haven't followed Steve Job's career very long I see. ;)

While he is a fanatic about design, he is also a fanatic about controlling his market and maximizing profit.

Lol yeah Steve Jobs is the ONLY person that tinks that way wait no he invented that type of thinking. All other business are just trying to copy Steve! LMFAO
Again I say "What was the theme of this particular thread?"

We were talking about Apple and it's competitors. No, Steve Jobs didn't invent innovation and he isn't the only one doing it. But for this thread, it fits. Does this have to be personal? Why the pot shots?

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