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Alternatives to the Marware CEO Hybrid case for iPad 3


iPF Noob
Nov 18, 2010
Reaction score
I don't understand why so many of the iPad cases use the surface that touches/protects the screen as the part that touches the (potential dirty) desk/surface it sits on. It looks like the Marware CEO Hybrid case is one of the few that doesn't do this, but they are having some issues with the magnets (like many other manufacturers it seems). I don't want to wait much longer to get a case, so I was wondering if anyone else here is using a case which is similar, and doesn't have any issues.

I really am surprised that so many people don't care about this design 'flaw' (IMO). Even Apple's smart cover picks up stuff, and when you close it, it touches the screen. Thoughts?
Not sure how I missed those, thanks for the tip!
Cases.com as some also, especially if you want to go high end with some quality leather. That's where I go for it.
Take a look at vaja cases.

I used to be all thumbs now I'm all gums I love dictating my posts!
zipur said:
Take a look at vaja cases.

I used to be all thumbs now I'm all gums I love dictating my posts!

Dictation is cool! However, I get a lot of strange looks

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