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Active Print


iPF Noob
Mar 15, 2010
Reaction score
connecticut usa
This looks like a pretty current app to print just about anything on the Ipad. I downloaded a free copy, but can't evaluate it until I get my Ipad. Anyone use it on other devices? Comments? Purchased copy is $3.99. There is a companion app, called Traveler, where you can send stuff to their server, then download it when you get home. $1.99
This looks like a pretty current app to print just about anything on the Ipad. I downloaded a free copy, but can't evaluate it until I get my Ipad. Anyone use it on other devices? Comments? Purchased copy is $3.99. There is a companion app, called Traveler, where you can send stuff to their server, then download it when you get home. $1.99

I had the wrong name for this app and have been looking for AirPrintPro 8. What a mistake I made:eek:. I was looking into the ActivePrint and I hope that I can get more info on it. I didn't know they had a free copy of it so back to iTunes and download it. Thanks.

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