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A parallèle universe.

I think it's kitty-corner from the missing sock universe; just a few block away from the Bed & Closet Boogeyman Portal Mall; same street.

They know. ;)

What happens to the data on your iPad or other Apple device when you restore? I mean ya I know it deletes it, but it deletes it to WHERE?

Just thought I'd throw that out there... :)

It goes into data heaven, where it is reused by all the souls on the other side for eternity.... I'm going to send an awful movie there today.
my thoughts on this are when the delete button is pressed, a small Boggart enters the apple product and performs the disappearous forevorartis charm, from there on in the item disappears into another realm where there are two suns, 3 moons and a deep blue valley where the pink waves crash against the cheese cliffs!
The OP is probably thinking you've all escaped from one of those lovely big white buildings with bars and locked gates! :D

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