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4.3.3 killed my battery life :(


iPF Noob
Mar 18, 2011
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I just updated to 4.3.3 a few days ago and now my battery life is 40% less. I use to have 50-60% at the end of the day and now I have 10-20%. L

Has this happened to anyone else? :mad:
How can I go back? Should I call Apple?

This can happen following an update. I would suggest the following course of action to resolve (Apple will instruct you to restore if you speak to them also).

First, sync with iTunes so you have a backup.
Then perform a "restore" in iTunes. This will re-install fresh 4.3.3.
When the restore completes, allow the iPad to reconnect to iTunes. It will ask you to set up new or restore from backup.
Choose to restore from the backup you made before you started (do NOT set up as new)
Allow the restore to complete, and then let all your apps re-sync automatically. This process involves a restart of the iPad so don't interrupt it. Leave the iPad connected to iTunes throughout. It will take a while if you have a lot of content on your iPad!

See how you get on with this. It can often get rid of whatever is panicking in your current setup and causing the battery drain.
Thanks. I will try that

A similar thing happened to my wife's iPhone 3GS when I talked her into upgrading to OS 4.
I felt bad. I'll try it with hers also.

I'm also having backlight issues. It gets dim in the dark then brightens up for nothing. I want it bright though.
It's annoying.

Thanks for the tip.

64GB 3G White iPad

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