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Web data


iPF Noob
Feb 27, 2015
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Hi everyone this is my first post hello, if in wrong area please point me the right direction.
So I don't use twitter ever so I want to know why it's always at the top of my web data in advanced setting, thanks
Many websites have links, buttons, and other ties to Twitter. That might be it.

Or perhaps you have the app installed and it's updating in the background. You can turn off background updates for Twitter (or everything) under Settings > General > Background App Refresh.

If you don't use Twitter at all, don't even have the app installed, go to Settings > Twitter and make sure you aren't signed into an account.

Welcome to the forum.
Welcome to iPad Forums, jmp123!

I've moved your thread to the iPad Help Forum where it will receive more attention.

I've also deleted the other post you made on this same topic. Duplicate posting can fragment any resulting conversation, making it hard to follow as well as being against our rules.

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