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Save game Contract Killer


iPF Noob
May 15, 2011
Reaction score
Like i said on top. Does every one know to save game ,last time i played and then restore ios,sysn back it doesn't save .
Any idea. Thanks
The games saving files doesnt includes in the backupfile to the computer. You have pull the files yourself from the iOS device.Phonedisk or iPhone explorer kan fix this. Search on Google for them.
Then you open the app on the computer and plug in your device. Then you can see the Application folder and find the save files in the documents folder in each app folder.

Sorry for my poor english. Hope it helps anyway.
Hey guys, yeah cool game! Can any of you tell me how to reset the game from the start? I just got an iPad2 and basically installed a bunch of games that I hadn't had on my iPhone before and was just messing around with the game, but I want to start fresh and play properly, actually it seems like this is the case with most games I use in the game center, I can't figure out how to reset them and start again :-/ HELP! Cheers in advance all!

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