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Photos transfer


iPF Noob
May 20, 2011
Reaction score
Costa del Sol, Spain
I am trying to import my photos from my PC to my iPad and iPhone without using iTunes as when I use iTunes the native photo app has no control over albums etc, is there a way to do this or maybe an app?

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Well, you could use Dropbox to do this. You'd sign up for a Dropbox account, download the Dropbox app for iPad, and then you could move files between the PC and iPad like that. Works great. The native photo app isn't the best but it does support albums and such. There are much better apps for photo management, like Photo Manager Pro or something like that.

Or, you could buy the Apple SD connector kit and move files using an SD card.

Hope that gives you a couple options.

Thanks for your time to reply, I have used dropbox and after it taking forever to upload the photos when I downloaded them to my iPad app the tag info had been lost. I spent hours tagging info with Adobe Elements on my laptop and need the tags to sort different types of photos, iTunes doesn't loose this info but Dropbox does.
I have a third party CCT but it only works with a camera connected as soon as I put an SDHC card into it it says "not compatible" I've read that the Apple one has problems since iOS5 don't know where to go from here, just wish the native photo app was better!

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I like the app Transfer. You load it on you iPad and computer or any iPad to connect and transfer photo's wirelessly. It has never failed to load and transfer selected photo's.
I don't get it, since you can do it with AirDrop, what do you promote other software, cecilrwilliams.

AirDrop is a relatively new feature, whereas apps like Photo Transfer have been around for some time and have been invaluable tools for photo transferring.

Even AirDrop has its limitations (between iOS devices and Macs only).
I don't get it, since you can do it with AirDrop, what do you promote other software, cecilrwilliams.

I use Windows vs. Mac for one and I thought I was offering a suggestion of an app that works great for me. I am not on commission, this is a support forum.
Just to chime in for those trying to use AirDrop (which I absolutely love) and it is not working, it could be the person you are AirDropping to has a device that is too old and therefore does not support it. Two of my daughters were visiting earlier this year and I was AirDropping photos to them while they were here. That was my plan, anyway. It worked for one daughter who has my old AirPad 2, but my other daughter had an iPhone 4 which does not support AirDrop.

Just mentioning is to point out that it is good to have other options.
Just to chime in for those trying to use AirDrop (which I absolutely love) and it is not working, it could be the person you are AirDropping to has a device that is too old and therefore does not support it. Two of my daughters were visiting earlier this year and I was AirDropping photos to them while they were here. That was my plan, anyway. It worked for one daughter who has my old AirPad 2, but my other daughter had an iPhone 4 which does not support AirDrop.

Sorry but AirDrop does not work on an iPad 2 (I have one and despite having BT & Wi-Fi on, the option does not appear in my 'Control Center'; however, does on my wife's Mini) - below is a quote from HERE.

BT is used to discover a 'nearby' compatible device and then Wi-Fi to transfer files; I'm presuming the the BT technology and/or version used in the iPad 2 is dated and the reason AirDrop is not useable and that device. Dave :) P.S. I assume that your daughter has a new iPad?

It should be understood that AirDrop is a proximity-limited technology, meaning that it will only work when two or more users are near each other. This is illustrated by the requirement that a compatible device, which will be limited to the iPhone 5 or later, fourth-generation iPad, iPad mini, and fifth-generation iPod touch, have both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi enabled.
You are correct Giradman. It was her iPhone 5S I was AirDropping to. She has my old iPad 2, but got the iPhone 5S in February or there abouts. My point was basically in response to this reply to the original post that was earlier in the thread:

"I don't get it, since you can do it with AirDrop, what do you promote other software, cecilrwilliams."

I was trying to make the point that not all the devices can use all the functions, so alternatives are often requested and given. Does not necessarily mean that someone is pushing that app. It is just an app that that particular person finds helpful to do the task being asked about, and others might also. I don't think it was ever stated that (s)he could use the AirDrop, but I may have missed it, this is all besides the point, anyway.

Too many devices now and it is getting very confusing! Remember when all you needed was a stamp and the photo was sent? LOL
Don't bother with itunes. I hate it, personally. Try an app called PHONE DRIVE. It's free, I believe and it's AWESOME. You can very quickly transfer files between your ipad and pc or from your iphone to your pc. Just try it out and thank me later.
Photo Transfer is not working now on Windows 8.1. I get error notice using different network. Both iPad and PC logged on to same Network. I believe the issue made be that I have a network group with my two desktops and one laptop. Only guessing.

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