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old ipad 2


iPF Noob
Jan 13, 2012
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Brand new to this forum so apologies if this has been discussed before. When the ipad 3 goes on sale what becomes of the ipad 2 still in stock in the stores? Do they sell both or are the old ones discounted or what??

Hi Scrapnana, welcome aboard!

The ipad2 will still work, and will continue to be sold... Just like some places still have the ipad1. Just cheaper, probably.
I guess it's up to the store on what they stock... And up to Apple if they still supply.
I would say yes. Apple's business model will probably include iPad 2 sales in its forecast for the coming years. This would be a perfect device for Schools, Universities & Businesses like the iPad 1 is at the moment. Also it's a model used to try and get everyone using apple devices. And once the consumer is hooked they tend to upgrade! IMO.
I don't believe they will keep the iPad 2 in the product line unless the iPad 3 starts at $599

There is no need for an entry level device at a lower price. They are selling all they can manufacture at the current pricing.
I don't believe they will keep the iPad 2 in the product line unless the iPad 3 starts at $599

There is no need for an entry level device at a lower price. They are selling all they can manufacture at the current pricing.

You could be right. I suppose it just depends on how much iPad 2 stock is still out there?

Also, I can't see the iPad 3 being a lot more expensive. I predict it may be 50 bucks more or the price will remain the same. Either way, I getting one!
Right now, the opinion is that there will be a continuation of the iPad 2 at a lower price, but with only 8 Gb of memory. This will be a wifi only model, but would have huge implications for schools and various business functions. It would also seal Apple's hold on the market. The only problem would be the loss of a production line that could be making the iPad 3. However, the retina displays seem to be the bottleneck for iPad 3 production.
Seadog said:
Right now, the opinion is that there will be a continuation of the iPad 2 at a lower price, but with only 8 Gb of memory. This will be a wifi only model, but would have huge implications for schools and various business functions. It would also seal Apple's hold on the market. The only problem would be the loss of a production line that could be making the iPad 3. However, the retina displays seem to be the bottleneck for iPad 3 production.

Unlikely to drop to 8 gb. 16 is necessary.
Brand new to this forum so apologies if this has been discussed before. When the ipad 3 goes on sale what becomes of the ipad 2 still in stock in the stores? Do they sell both or are the old ones discounted or what??



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