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Numbers: My Apple Service Log (Because I Could)


iPad Fan
Jan 8, 2011
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Milton-Freewater, OR
I'm not sure why I did this, other than I had the idea, and then I couldn't get it out of my mind until I figured out how to make it work.

This is a down time tracking spreadsheet that uses a daily log, a timeline, and gives a basic report of downtime hours and percentage of up time from the beginning to current date. It is based on Apple's System Status page, the Timeline part at the bottom. The rest is just me seeing what I could do with that basic table's information.

The idea is pretty simple. You have a date/issue column, a popup menu column for the service type, and a long series of cells that represent blocks of time. You select and paste a previous downtime cell into the new ones, because it's easier than trying to enter them over an over. Each cell actually contains the value .5 (to represent half an hour). I made the text the same color as the background, because it's prettier that way.

The second table is all computation. It checks the entries for each date, matches it with a service, and sums the hours. There is probably a neater, much more complicated formula, way to do this.

And then, just for the heck of it, I made an uptime chart.

Extending each table is a matter of adding rows and using the fill option. I think I got all the formulas working so that filling down will work without a hitch. I hope so. The service table can not be bigger than the timeline table, or the formulas will break for those rows.

Anyway, I built the darn think so I feel like it would be a waste not to share it. Even if no one ever uses it, it might offer some ideas for building own timeline style tracking spreadsheet.

My Apple Service Log.

If you look it over. Let me know what you think.

Ok, it's late, and my minds a bit fuzzy. I should probably wind down and go to bed. Right after I check all my news, blogs, and forums; again. ;)
Is it wrong for me to want the Apple servers to go down, just so I can enter interesting data in my spreadsheet? ;)
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