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New to the IPad


iPF Noob
Mar 14, 2013
Reaction score
Hello everyone. I'm new to this technology. I hope you understand that I may ask some "dumb" questions. But it's the only way to learn.

Hello everyone. I'm new to this technology. I hope you understand that I may ask some "dumb" questions. But it's the only way to learn.


G'day DBest and welcome to the forum. On these forums there is no such thing as a dumb question asked when willing to learn. You will find a whole bunch of knowledgeable members happy to try and assist. The old saying "there is nothing new under the sun" may well apply here, where members before you have asked and been advised on matters that concerned them. So use the search function to seek answers. And of course feel free to participate in any of the discussion threads yourself. Have a good time!
Regards, Andrew

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