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iPad limitations


iPF Noob
Apr 17, 2011
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I just got an iPad, and am trying to learn to like it.
So far, it's limitations seem to outweigh it's strengths. First, it doesn't really work like a Mac. There is no dock, no Finder, no 'drag and drop'. There is Mail, but it really doesn't work like Mail; there is Safari, but it really doesn't work like Safari; there is iPhoto, but it really doesn't work like iPhoto.
Let's take iPhoto for example. With the iPad untethered to another computer, I can not - from iPhoto within iPad alone - create 'albums', re-group events', move images from one event to a new event, etc. There may be work-arounds -- because there sure are a lot of apps available! But doesn't that itself say something telling about the limits of iPad, that you have to have dozens of apps to make it work like you want it to doesn't seem to me to be a good thing.
Over the years one of the best things about Mac's was that they just worked -- right out of the box! And they all worked the same way! Not so with iPad, or so it seems to me.
What am I missing?
It is a computer, but not as you know it Jim.

You may not like apps but they are the building blocks of your iPad usage. Like Lego you build the iPad the way you want to use it.

Photo Manager Pro in the appstore is my choice for photo organisation.
I don't have a single photo on my iPad and never will. It's not important to me but I'm sure many of the photo buffs in this forum couldn't live without some type of photo management app. I agree with Hasty. The beauty of the iPad is that everyone can bulid their own system the way they want it. It truly is the first personal user-defined computing device ever.
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It's probably true that, if I wanted to devote enough time to it, I could probably jury rig it to work sort of like my MbPro, for example. But I don't want to spend a lot of effort doing that. It may be possible to figure out how to have Mail and Safari and several tabs open at the same time -for easy reference back and forth - but I just want to do it, not to spend a lot of time figuring out how.
With regard to pictures, the whole point of the iPad was to have a really light weight computer in which I could put all my reference images, organize them, display them, as I can now - with PShop and even the 'real' iPhoto. There may be workarounds that come close, but close only counts in horseshoes.
Any ideas when the new MacBook Air will arrive?
It is a computer, but not as you know it Jim.

You may not like apps but they are the building blocks of your iPad usage. Like Lego you build the iPad the way you want to use it.

That is the best word picture analogy I've ever read for apps, on Apple or Android
Thank you and hope you don't mind if I borrow it. I'll give you credit for coming up with it.

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It is a computer, but not as you know it Jim.

That's the problem. Its not a 'mac', as I know it.

Photo Manager Pro in the appstore is my choice for photo organisation.

On my way to the app store to check it out. (That's one of the things that frustrates me. To go to the app store, I have to close this out, open the apps store, and so on.)


It sounds as though you expect the iPad to be a feature for feature match with your Mac. I'm afraid it won't be. Apple want to sell Macs and iPads. They fulfil different use cases.
From what you have said, I think the iPad is the wrong product for you, and a MacBook will hit the spot. I don't often advocate this course of action, but it sounds like you need to take it back!

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