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Ipad 2 and Skype


iPF Noob
Jan 6, 2012
Reaction score
United States
I have Skype on my ipad 2 and it works great. Does anyone happen to know how to view a contacts profile in Skype using the ipad 2?

Thanks a bunch! :eek:
Welcome to the forum! Its always worth searching in the forum for an answer before creating a new thread as the chances are that your question will already have been answered.
Ontopic: If you tap their icon it should just bring up an image containing any information they have public.

Proud owner of a 32GB wifi iPad2 iOS5.
Hello MrLuke... but it doesn't. On my home pc I can right click on the contact and it tells me how many contacts they have, etc. That information on the same contact does not show up on the ipad 2 just by tapping their image.
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Ahh sorry, I'm not an avid user of Skype so didn't realise there was this extra functionality. Unfortunately I don't think what you're asking for is possible. Sorry.

Proud owner of a 32GB wifi iPad2 iOS5.
Hmmmm.... do you know that for sure? I mean, should I continue my search for the answer or is this the end of the road?
I have Skype on my ipad 2 and it works great. Does anyone happen to know how to view a contacts profile in Skype using the ipad 2?

Thanks a bunch! :eek:

Hi there and welcome to the Forum!!

Looking at my skype on my ipod, there are 4 option on the bottom: " contacts, messages, call and my info. " I am sure that this is similar to our ipads as well. When I click onto the contacts-click one contact and it will bring you to their names. Click on a name, it will give you the option to "View Full Profile."

I think that is what you need, correct? Let us know. :D
I've just spent about 5 mins browsing the app for any in of a further way of opening up a contact and it doesn't seem to have this function :/. If you really need to be able to see this extra info you could download the iPod version of Skype and look at full profiles in the way mentioned above.

Proud owner of a 32GB wifi iPad2 iOS5.
Hello skimmonkey and thanks for your warm welcome and I appreciate the advice.

On the ipad 2 I don't have the 4 options at the bottom when I open Skype. I do have "contacts" and when I tap on their name it doesn't give me the option to "view full profile".

Still searching :)
Hello skimmonkey and thanks for your warm welcome and I appreciate the advice.

On the ipad 2 I don't have the 4 options at the bottom when I open Skype. I do have "contacts" and when I tap on their name it doesn't give me the option to "view full profile".

Still searching :)

That's interesting that the IPOD 4th generation has it and not the IPAD app. I have both apps on my ipad--this occurred during automatic download. So, having both apps may be an option for you. Also, there has been a few updates to Skype...so you may want to check that as well. Good luck and Best wishes to you and your search if you choose not to get the ipod version.
Not a problem. We may be lucky enough to receive an update that gives us this function at some point, but up until then you may just have to work around it. Better than nothing though :).

Proud owner of a 32GB wifi iPad2 iOS5.
I have done all the updates on it so maybe it isn't available. I was hoping there was some little trick hiding somewhere.

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