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iPF Noob
Jan 2, 2011
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Tobyhanna, pa
I received IPad as a gift for Xmas. Had I known that neither flash player or java was available on it, I would have told my daughter to save her money....what was Jobs thinking. He has always been a mystery to me...a genius, surely, but also an arrogant, idiot about other things. If it were not for these traits, the world would be using Apple products and Bill Gates would be an unknown.
Welcome to the forum and a Happy New Year
I find it interesting you get a Xmas present then come in to this forum and blast Steve Jobs.and complain to us about some feature it does not have.
We are not affiliated with Apple as this is a private forum so why not just write a letter to Apple direct and complain. If you are that upset with your Xmas present take it back simple as that or give it away to charity
With respect this subject is old
If you do not know how to use the ipad or have no idea what it really can do then yes we are more than willing to assist and may be just maybe not only will you be happy but more importantly your daughter will excited that she made the right choice for a gift
There have been a couple of browser apps that claim to be able to run flash. A forum search should track them down.

Just play with your iPad for a while and you'll that it's strengths will far outweigh the lack of flash.
We've had ours since they were released and really are indifferent to the lack of flash. Even run a flash blocker on our desktops.
I got iPad as a gift knowing it all along, also having an iPhone. Would I like Flash, sure, and I vote it as something I would like iPad to have. But then again, I can just look up things later on my desktop if it is that necessary. Been doing so with the iPhone all along after all.
But anyone seeking the iPad, it is awfully hard to MISS that piece of information as it is WELL KNOWN and WELL DOCUMENTED on the internet, cited in every review that there is no Flash. I mean, it is a blatantly known fact, so not sure how you missed that, but my suggestion: give iPad a whirl and see what you think anyway. I am having a blast minus Flash!
. . .. Had I known that ...
This is a joke, right?
You are just pulling our leg?

If you are really living somewhere so obscure that you wouldn't know about the Flash and Java thing, then you must not have the interWebz, and then you don't need them then anyway, right?

Dear Sallyd

I received IPad as a gift for Xmas. Had I known that neither flash player or java was available on it, I would have told my daughter to save her money....what was Jobs thinking. He has always been a mystery to me...a genius, surely, but also an arrogant, idiot about other things. If it were not for these traits, the world would be using Apple products and Bill Gates would be an unknown.

Sorry you found your gift lacking amenities. Unfortunately you probably won't see this condolence since this was probably a random drive by shout out with no intention of sticking around and seeing what havoc you wreaked--if any.

However, if you do come back and post a response, I hope you would see this as a genuine invitation to help you explore and get to know the gift for which your daughter paid dearly.

I hope I'm wrong in any case.
I think it's rather sad that the iPad doesn't support flash but the smoothness and overall design rules it out for me.

Good iPaddin:ipad-keyboard:
Oops .......Basically what the guy before me said.....srry I just read the last post...
LOL, already on this thread, but should have conveyed that in my previous post. What the last two said, same deal, negative of no flash is totally outweighed!
Yeah, I'll admit that the positives of the iPad outweigh no Flash capability, but it's sad that if I can't get my iPad to load the site, that I go to my Android phone to load it. It should be the other way around, my phone should not be more capable of displaying the internet than my iPad. :(
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