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File association


iPF Noob
Sep 29, 2011
Reaction score
Hello all,
I've had iPads for my wife and I for a few years and recently was given a iPad Air 2 by my employer for use at work.

There is something I can only describe as a file association problem. If I receive a pdf or excel spreadsheet as a email attachment the Air 2 does not recognize the file type. On my personnel iPads the attachment shows a "PDF" on the attachment or "E" for excel .
The Air 2 shows a "?" on the attachment icon and when I touch and hold I don't get the option to open the PDF in iBooks or the excel if the attachment is a spreadsheet.

If this were a windows iOS I'd call it a file association problem.

Any ideas why this is happening?

All feedback is appreciated.
Thank you !
I don't have any real ideas about what is happening, here are the first two questions to occur to me. Maybe the answers will offer a clue.

Are you using the same mail app, email service, and address on the iPad Air 2 as on your personal iPad?

If there are any differences in how you are accessing your email on the two iPads, what are they?
This may be cause by mow my company's server is handling the attachment.

I added a Gmail account to the work iPad. When sending the same email to both the work and Gmail account the Gmail account handles the attachment the way I would expect it to and gives me options on which app I want to use to open it while the company email that uses the native email app will only allow a quick view of the attachment.

I may need to talk to out IT folks.
Scifan57 - yes out IT group sets up the iPad with device management apps. These are :
Air Watch
Junos Pulse
This may be cause by mow my company's server is handling the attachment.

I added a Gmail account to the work iPad. When sending the same email to both the work and Gmail account the Gmail account handles the attachment the way I would expect it to and gives me options on which app I want to use to open it while the company email that uses the native email app will only allow a quick view of the attachment.

I may need to talk to out IT folks.

Sounds like you are on the right track. Please let us know what happens.

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